Potions With Mum

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Harry POV

Potions was quite disconcerting.

I've got about the same grade I normally do, but it's just strange with our new teacher.

My mum.

"Alright class, today we will be making the Wideye Potion." She floated through the wall and smiled at us. "Anyone know it's other name?"

Hermione raised her hand, as did Annabeth. 

"Yes, Miss Chase?"

"It's also called the Awakening Potion." Annabeth said, then turned to Hermione and gestured for her to say whatever was next.

"It keeps the drinker awake and can be used to wake someone up when they've been drugged or have gotten a concussion."

"Correct, girls. Ten points to each of you." Mum smiled at them. "This is a rather easy potion, but it takes two to three days to make so we'll be working on it along with a few other potions."

"Hey, Lil, can I talk to you." Dad stuck his head in the door. Literally.

"James, I'm teaching a class."

"It'll only take a few minutes."

Mum sighed. "Fine. Begin your potions and I will inspect your progress once I get back." She floated through the door and I immediately turned to Ron.

"This is the weirdest thing ever."

"As weird as Percy's class?"

"Usually I'd say no, but today? Yes." 

Ron shrugged and turned to the board. "This would be a lot easier with Hermione."

"Yeah well, she's working with Annabeth." I looked over to the two girls, who were already three steps in.

Mum floated back in and began to check on people's progress as they worked on the potion.

"Let's just get this over with. Maybe it won't be so terrible." Ron said optimistically.

"Right." I muttered turning to the board. 

"Six snake fangs? I don't think I have that many left..." I muttered, digging through my potions ingredients.

"Here." Ron shoved five over to me as I found a single one in my stock.

"Thanks." I dropped the six white bones into the mortar.

"Four measures of Standard ingredient." Ron measured out the mixed herbs and dumped them in on top of the fangs.

Right as I was about to crush the ingredients together after carefully adding six Billywig stings to my cauldron, a scream echoed through the room.


The pale boy had collapsed, falling to the floor in a heap. Hazel was on him in a moment, her hand flying to his wrist and checking for a pulse. 

The exchange students shot out of their seats and crowded around the unconscious teen, talking frantically in what seemed to be another language. Hermione, Draco and Neville joined them, also chattering.

"What happened?" Mum floated over to them, a look of nervousness on her face.

"No clue. He just collapsed." Annabeth had taken charge, rolling Nico onto his back and making sure he was breathing properly. "Leo, get Percy, he might be able to help."

"You got it." The weird pyromaniac kid ran out of the room.

Annabeth asked something in the other language and the exchange students began to dig in their pockets.

"Here." Hazel pulled out a vial with gold liquid in it and handed it to the blonde.

"Thanks." Annabeth carefully opened Nico's mouth and poured some of the gold substance into his mouth, stroking the front of his throat, presumably to make him swallow whatever it was.

"Did you feel anything, Hazel?" Jason asked.

"I felt woozy for a second, but then it passed. What do you think happened?" Hazel frowned.

"No clue... He's stable though." Annabeth assured the dark skinned girl.

"Well thank the gods for that." Piper said.

"What happened?!" Percy burst through the door. Seeing what he was holding in his hand, I suppressed a snicker. What was he gonna do with a pen?

"Where's Leo?"

"Catching his breath in my classroom, most likely." The black haired boy answered. "What happened to Nico?"

"He just collapsed. We have no clue what actually happened." Frank said.

"Weird." Percy joined Annabeth at Nico's side, scanning the unconscious American's face. "Let's get him to the hospital wing so Madame Pomfrey can watch him."

Without waiting for an answer, he scooped the skinny teen off of the floor. "Sorry for disrupting your class, Lily."

"It's no trouble, Percy. Just make sure he's okay." Mum lifted her hand like she wanted to brush Nico's hair out of his face or something, then stopped and dropped her arm again. She was focused on his face, a nervous look in her eyes. She was worried about him.

I felt the monster from when Ginny was dating Dean rise up, in a completely different context. This time I recognized it.

I was jealous. Of Nico. My lips twisted into a scowl as the exchange students and the three who hung out with them filed out of the room, their abandoned potions fizzling occasionally in a weird way.

[A/N updating will probably be slow this weekend, I have performances]

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