Percy Snaps

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Third Person POV

Harry and Ron got a few of the boys in their dorm to come to the Room of Requirement after dinner.

"What's going on, Potter?" Seamus asked.

"Have you guys noticed anything weird about the exchange students? Like, anything that shouldn't be possible, even for wizards?" Harry asked.

"You mean like everything they did in that fight against those monster things?" Dean asked.

"Yes." Harry said.

"Not much. Well, they seem to have control over certain elements, but maybe it's just an American thing." One of the fifth years said.

"Hey, just cause they're American doesn't make them different than us. At least, not much." One of the other fifth years protested. (Cue laughing from any tumblr user that's seen a LiberTea fight post XD)

"Well I think we should keep an eye on them." Ron said.

"You do that mate, I'm not helping." Dean said simply.

"Why not?" Harry asked.

"Cause Percy's just as good a teacher as Professor Lupin was, if not better." Dean walked out, most of the kids following him.

"I'll do it." The last boy, a fourth year with blond hair said.

"Thanks, just tell us whatever you see." Harry said.


"Morning, guys." Percy said with a smile as he walked into the room.

"Sup, Percy."

"Hey, Seaweed Brain."

"How's it goin', Jackson?"

Various replies flew around the room.

Percy smiled and grabbed a stack of papers from his desk. "We're gonna do a little quiz to start off our next section of this class, immortal beings. It won't be graded, but I'll hand them back with the grade you would have gotten if it was real."

He began to pass out the papers. "These are mostly Greek and Roman based, as that is what I know best. Annabeth and Hermione are helping me work on a wizarding based class, don't worry. Until then, we'll study this." He handed out the last paper. "And go."

Harry looked down at his sheet.

Who are the 12 Olympians? Two extra credit points if you can name the extra two. All answers can be either Greek or Roman.

Harry frowned. He didn't know many of them, so he'd just put the ones he knew.

Demeter, Zeus, Poseidon, Neptune, Hera, Aphrodite, Apollo and his twin, Ares.

Harry shrugged. That was good enough. He moved on to the next question.

Who is the father of the original six gods?


What did the father of these gods do to them when they were young, excluding Zeus?

He swallowed them.

Which god/goddess has the domain of love?

Aphrodite, Venus

How many of his sisters has Zeus done the do with?

Harry frowned. He had no clue so he wrote down what he thought sounded right.

None of them. He is married.

Is Ares married?

Yes, to Aphrodite.

What is Vulcan's Greek form?


Harry worked through the rest of the quiz quickly, hoping his answers were pretty close. He handed his paper in to Percy, seeing several pages already turned in. As he walked back to his seat, he noticed all the exchange students were done and sitting there in various states of boredom. Malfoy, Hermione and Neville were also done.

Percy corrected the papers quickly, using a spell to change them into Ancient Greek then back again. He knew none of his students could see his desk so he wasn't worried.

Harry took his paper as they were passed back out. Scribbled on top in Percy's messy handwriting was a 'P.'

"Poor?" Ron had gotten a similar grade.

"Good thing this wasn't graded. A lot of you didn't do very well." Percy chuckled as he handed back Annabeth's. "Perfect as always, Wise Girl."

Harry frowned. This wasn't even relevant to the class. He shoved his hand into the air boldly.

"Yes, Potter?" Percy didn't even look up from the papers in his hands.

"I've got a q-wait, how did you do that?"

"Overly sensitive hearing. I heard you move and I could tell exactly which seat the noise had come from." Percy lied. He had canvassed the entire room with water molecules. He could essentially 'see' every move his students made.

"Okay whatever." Harry shook his head, getting back on his track. "Why is this important?"

"Did you not see the creatures we fought?" Percy asked.

"Yeah, but you said those are just creatures. The immortals can't be real!" Harry protested.

"Oh, trust me, they're very real." Percy said. His voice seemed to take on a dangerous edge as Harry continued to talk.

"But they don't attack people so why is it important? We don't have to worry about them. What we do have to worry about, however, is you. You guys are weird. Maybe you are dangerous and we should be watching out for you! And maybe you were lying when you-"

Percy had moved towards Harry the whole time he was speaking and he now slammed his hands down on the table in front of the other black haired boy.

"I'll tell you why it's important. Those immortals do attack people. I've seen more of my friends killed by immortals and monsters than by natural causes or accidents or other crap like that. Immortal beings are wildly dangerous and they will not hesitate to strike down those who are in their way."

"You didn't address his other topic." Ron muttered.

"The topic of who I am?" Percy asked in a voice that sent shivers down everyone in the room's spines.

"Y-yeah." Ron squeaked.

"Fine. You want to know, we'll do this now." He stood up straight.

"Percy, we haven't-"

"Get the others, Annabeth. I'm going to talk to the headmistress." Percy stalked out of the room, visibly shaking with anger.

Annabeth turned to glare at Harry and Ron, who both flinched. 

"Now you idiots have done it."

[A/N What's he gonna do? And don't worry, Nico's predicament will be explained next chappie. Also, I only put the picture in because of Harry's face XD]

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