Electricution Girl Strikes Again

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Percy POV 

Leo sauntered up with a grin plastered on his goofy face. 

"Here you go." He handed Hermione his wand.

"Sycamore and Dogwood, not a good combo for the rest of us. It seeks out deceptively intelligent pranksters. Sycamore sometimes bursts into flames, watch that Leo. It's weirdly flame colored...Let's see, twelve inches, pretty standard. The handle looks a little charred, but other than that, it's fine. The cores are demiguise hair infused with manticore venom. This wand is very attracted towards fire magic." She swished it through the air and screamed when the wand caught fire, almost of it's own accord.

I looked at Leo, but he looked just as surprised at the turn of events. Slowly, the daughter of Athena bent and scooped up the wand. The flames didn't affect her.

"It fits, Fireball!" Piper called up to him. 

Leo grinned. "It sure does."

"And Patronus?"

It took him four tries to get a corporeal Patronus to appear.

"A dolphin?!" Leo looked utterly confused. "But...I'm fire! Fire!"

"Well, dolphins are playful and funny. They like to talk to people and play around. They're one of the most playful mammals alive." I explained.

"But I'm fire!"

"Yes, we get it Valdez. Hazel, your turn."

Hazel's ponytail bounced as she moved forward to take Leo's place.

"Is it strange I'm nervous?"

"Not really. You're going to find out what you're like based on a piece of wood." Hermione said with a smile.


"Alright...It's Ebony..."

"What's that mean?" Hazel asked nervously. 

"I was getting to that. Ebony seeks out soneone who has strong beliefs. It also contains strips of Elm wood which looks for a sophisticated weilder. Acacia wood for the handle, best for someone subtle-minded. It's an interesting combo, taking an owner with a strong sense of right and wrong, but who is very soft-spoken."

Hazel blushed as Frank nodded to her, signalling he agreed.

"Keep going Hermione." She said quietly.

"Of course. It's ten inches long, pretty normal for a girl, and it's got a ruby embedded in it, right here on the end of the handle. Three cores...all very rare too. Three hairs. Demon tail, helps with light spells. " Harry hissed something to Ron and I narrowed my eyes at him slightly. "Lion mane hair helps keep the demon hair in check and then there's a goblin beard hair, a really small amount to help your learning process. It's actually a very good wand for a woman."

Hermione handed Hazel her wand back and I nodded to the daughter of Pluto. 

"Right, the Patronus....Expecto Patronum!"

A beautiful little...furball? Bounced out of the tip of her wand.

"A chinchilla!" Piper exclaimed. The small creature nuzzled Hazel's cheek affectionately before disappearing in a small puff of silver smoke.

"Matches you, Haz. Frank, your turn."

The Chinese-Canadian demigod came forward, giving Hazel a quick peck on the cheek as they passed each other. 

"We have ten minutes left of class." I pointed out quietly.

"Okay okay!"Hermione took Frank's outstretched wand and began to examine it. "Hazel wood, it goes for an owner with an understanding and sense of control over their feelings. Rowan handle. Clear-headed and pure-hearted."

"All sounding accurate so far." I commented. "Go on."

"There's a ring of Sequoia around the handle, which looks for an owner in tune with nature. This wand would be a good fit for an animagus." Frank looked at his feet. "It's eleven inches long and looks very outdoorsy...there are carvings of leaves on it and such. A thestral hair core that helps with understanding of it's owner's feelings is paired with a werewolf whisker that just proves the animagus statement. It's a laidback wand, but the owner, no offense Frank, is usually a little awkward and aloof."

Frank took his wand silently and cast the Patronus Charm.

A moose the size of a car erupted from his wand. Leo, Piper, Jason and I burst out laughing.

"I don't understand." Calypso said quietly.

"Sorry. Frank's Canadian and one of the stereotypes from his country is that they are all obsessed with mooses and own them and stuff." I explained.

"Can we move on?" The blushing son of Mars asked.

"Course. You're up, Pinecone Face!" I called.

"I will kill you, Jackson."

"I could give you detention for threatening a teacher."

Thalia stood in front of me, one hand resting on her hip as she glared at me. Hermione reached for her wand to begin and yelped when a bolt of lightning suddenly slammed into her out of nowhere.

"Thalia!" I yelled.

"I didn't do it!" The daughter of Zeus exclaimed.

"It might be something in her wand." Hermione said, having recovered very quickly. "Sometimes the cores have self built defense mechanisms. Let me see?"

Thalia nodded and handed the wand over. This time the daughter of Athena had no trouble taking it to begin her examination.

"It's made from a Fir tree and chooses those who are rather stubborn." I snickered.

"Shut up Percy." Thalia snapped.

"It has a Ginkgo handle, used for calming wild cores and personalities. Put together, these woods look for someone who's protective of others but adventurous themselves. It's fourteen inches and has designs all over it, carved in. This is interesting, most of them are spirals."

"Is that bad?" Thalia asked.

"No, they symbolize powerful women. It has a core of nymph hair, which jacks up spell power but needs and owner it can bond with since it needs to be tamed and controlled. The other core is a laurel shaving, here's your little electricution problem, Thals. Laurel cores need a diligent owner, but when they bond well with their weilder they have the added bonus of shocking would-be thieves with a bolt of lightning."

Thalia grinned as she took her wand back. "Cool...Expecto Patronum!" A silver-grey wolf bounded once around the room before disappearing.

I checked my watch. "That's all for class today, we'll continue with this next time. You are dismissed."

The class quickly packed up and I gave Annabeth a kiss as she walked over. 

"I'm not taking the classes that much anymore, see you later Wise Girl."

"Don't kill any of the First Years."

[A/N Sorry this posted early for some reason, enjoy the full chapter!]

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