We're Getting Chased Off

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Annabeth POV

After Percy, Nico, and Hermione left, we went to work. Weapons were checked and light armor was donned. Frank, Jason, Clarisse, and I figured out a bracket, dividing us into four teams that rotated in and out.

Team One consisted of me, Ginny, Neville, and Clarisse. 

Team Two was Thalia, Emmy, and Draco.

Team Three had Hazel, Frank, and Luna. I figured the couple could help her along, since she worked better with a well-working team.

And finally, Team Four was made up of Calypso, Leo, Piper and Jason.

"When Percy, Nico, and Hermione come back, they can be a team and we'll work them into the rotation." I explained.

I received serious nods in response.

"Alright, Team Two and Team Four. Move."

Thalia could more than hold her own against Jason and Piper. That left Emmy and Draco to combat Leo and Calypso. They were pretty evenly matched.

"Everyone else, be ready and remember the number of your team." I shouted as Thalia's team and Jason's team advanced on each other.

Soon, the room was filled with energetic yells and the clash of weapons. Occasionally I'd throw a third team in the mix, then have one team back out and let the other teams go at it.

"This is definitely my favorite training exercise." Piper commented as Team Three relieved her team so they could rest. Leo nodded in agreement, grinning.

I watched the current mess for a moment, nodded to Frank. He barked an order and his team backed off. I waved my group forward, adjusting my stance as we approached our opponents.

Again weapons clashed, but this time it sounded different. It always sounded different when I was in the center of it rather than on the side. Everything was louder, sharper. 

"Match up against Thalia." I told Clarisse.

"Already on it."

"Ginny, you and I will take Drake."

"And that leaves me with Emmy." Neville nodded, moving quickly into the fray.

Ginny had pulled her vibrant hair into a ponytail, and as she spun past Drake it whipped at his face. He flinched backwards and I took the chance to leap forward and attack.

At close range, Drake had decided to use a short sword rather than his whip. Ginny and I took turns worrying at him, keeping our attacks just outside of methodical. Wouldn't do to have him find a pattern he could fight back against.

The door banged open. I didn't look up, assuming it was Percy and the others returning, but then there was shouting and frantic movements.

"We have to go!" Nico shouted. "Now!"

"What's happening?" Clarisse barked.

"Some Minister of Magic person!" He responded, breathing quickly. "He's here with an army of wizards and witches that seem to want to take us into custody!"

"Kingsley wouldn't do that." Ginny shook her head, frowning.

Through the open door I could hear screaming.

"Nico... What's happening out there?"

"Percy and Hermione are doing everything they can to keep these guys away from us for as long as possible. They're gonna arrest all of the demigods."

I spun, scanning the room. "Pair up! Keep with someone who is in the same house as you! One of you defend while the other packs, then switch off, do not use your weapons! Wands only. We'll meet up by the lake."

Chaos reigned as people grabbed partners darted out into the hallways.

"Ginny, go back to the dormitories." I started towards the door.


"Ginny." I turned back to her. "Please. This isn't your fight."

"Yes it is." She cocked a hip and glared at me. "It involves my friends and therefore it involves me. Now, I don't need to pack because I'm not really in danger. I'm going to go get Percy and send him back here so he can do that."

I sighed. "Be careful."

"I'm always careful." Ginny flashed a smile and darted out the door, passing Thalia as she ran back in.

"Annabeth, go!" She shouted.

I ran into the hallway, drawing my wand. Chaos on all sides, even worse than inside the Room of Requirement. I could see Hazel struggling with two accomplished spell casters, so I headed in her direction.





"Salvio Hexia!"





Spells were flying so fast I could barely respond to all of them. I could see Percy down the hallway, back to back with Hermione. He was slinging spells with his wand arm and waving his other around, controlling a fist made of water that someone had conjured up at some point.

"Annabeth!" Thalia shouted. I cast another curse at the man I was duelling and shouted over my shoulder.


"The room is cleared!"

I nodded. "Percy! Let's go!"

He heard me and nodded as well, the water slamming people out of his way as he and Hermione sprinted down the hall.

"Retreat and regroup!" We yelled. Duels broke up everywhere as demigods and demiwizards spun around and darted away.

My feet pounded on the stone floors as wound our way through the school. Percy had taken the lead somehow, though we'd started out in the middle of the pack, and he barreled through the front doors, shoving them open so the rest of us could get through.

"The lake! To the lake!"

Hermione and the other demiwizards, along with Ginny and minus Emmy, slowed and turned, starting up duels with various people chasing us. It seemed to be something prearranged, but I wasn't sure how they coordinated it.

Percy reached the water and dove in immediately. The others began to slow, but I didn't. "Jump! Get in! It's the only way we're getting out of here!"

"Are you insane?!" Leo shouted. "It may have escaped your notice, but not all of us can breathe underwater!"

"Trust Percy!" I snapped before leaping into the air.

As soon as I hit the water, I was dry and could breathe. I was floating inside my own little bubble.

Percy grinned at me from under the water. He was watching observantly for the rest of the demigods.

"I knew I could count on you." I smiled.

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