Let's Go Home

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It really was a grand farewell.

The demigods from America stood at the front of the yacht as Percy and Jason began to lift it into the air. A large group of students had come to send them off, and the demigods that were wizards as well led the cheers as the boat left the ground.

Nico waved to his friends and family, standing next to Emmy in the front of the crowd. No one made any comments about the tears they were pretty sure they could see slipping down his face.

From the back of the crowd, a huge explosion sent fireworks skyrocketing into the air. Leo yelled excitedly and hurled small fireballs up to join them. The sky lit up in every color imaginable.

Annabeth smiled, seeing George Weasley standing next to a huge box in the back. He seemed to be enjoying himself for the moment, which was a good thing.

"Think we'll be back?" Percy asked her as he waved to the group below. 

"Honestly? With Nico here it's almost a guarantee, but I sort of hope it doesn't happen." She shook her head and leaned against him, feeling his other hand slip its way around her waist. "I really just want whatever a demigod can call a normal life when we get home."

"Gods, I feel that." Percy chuckled, kissing her cheek. He was half focused on the column of water that was holding the ship up. "Leo, lets get moving!"

Leo scrambled up to the steering wheel on the front of the ship, grabbing hold of a massive lever next to the control-board, hauling it back with his entire body.

There was a grinding noise inside the ship as some massive engine slowly hauled itself to life. It began to move forward, slowly at first.

Percy waited until he could tell that the forward motion wasn't going to falter, then dropped the water column below them (making sure it didn't splash on anybody in the farewell party below). 

"Homeward bound, demigods and demigoddesses!" Leo cheered.

Two figures on brooms suddenly shot up into the air from the grounds. They spiraled past each other, then split and glided to either side of the boat.

"We'll escort you for the first mile or so!" Harry shouted to the group, grinning. "I haven't had a chance to fly in months!"

"Think of it as an apology for the problems we've caused while you were here!" Ron added from the other side of the main deck.

"Well if you're looking for a flight challenge, I think I can provide that!" Jason offered with a smirk.

"Blond Superman flies again!" Leo cheered as the son of Jupiter floated up off of the ship's deck, doing a loop before shooting off ahead of them. Harry whooped and raced after him, Ron following quickly.

"Well they'll be gone for an hour." Piper chuckled. 

"So long as they find their way back to the ship, everyone will be fine." Annabeth shrugged, taking Percy's hand. "C'mon."

They walked along the side of the ship to the back of the main deck. Annabeth leaned against the railing, still holding Percy's hand.

Percy ran a finger over the promise ring on her hand. "It seems like a hundred years ago...."

Annabeth nodded, looking out towards the quickly disappearing castle. "When we get back to Camp I'm going to nap for thirty-six hours."

"Gods, me too. Actually, I'll probably Iris Message Mom first." He sighed and moved, wrapping his arm around her waist again. They stood there in silence for a few minutes, watching the land below them roll by.

"Do you think the gods will ever leave us alone?" Annabeth asked quietly.

"I really doubt it, unless we just run away...." Percy chuckled a little. "And you know, we could."

"The gods will always find us."

"So lets go to Alaska."

Annabeth made a face. "It's so cold up there though."

"There's no spiders up there." Percy offered with a grin. She shoved him.

"Really though, Wise Girl... there's nothing more that I want in life than to disappear from the world of the gods with you." He said quietly after a minute. Annabeth looked over at him.

He took both of her hands, turning her to face him. "You're everything I've ever wanted. You're a constant, in the world where I have absolutely no hold on anything else. I love you, so much, and the thought of losing you is the worst thing that could ever happen to me."

Percy dropped to one knee and Annabeth's eyes widened again.

"I was always planning on proposing with my grandmother's ring, but I don't have it with me so I'll give it to you once we get back to New York... Annabeth, my first choice in everything, my other half, my battle partner and my only safety, will you marry me?"

"Are you nuts, Seaweed Brain?"

Percy blinked in surprise, but Annabeth laughed. "In what world would I not? Of course I will!"

He grinned and surged to his feet, hugging her tightly.

Demigods lives were chaotic at best. But once in a while the universe did allow one or two little victories.

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