Good One! Oh You Were Serious?

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Percy POV

Uh oh. This did not sound good.

"Am I in trouble for killing your teacher?" I asked when the other students were gone.

McGonagall laughed. "Goodness no!"

I frowned. "Then why am I-"

She smiled at me. "I need a new teacher, don't I?"

"Well that still doesn't explain why you want me to stay here."

The older woman sighed. "I was going to ask you, Percy."

I burst out laughing.


McGonagall waited for me to stop.

"Sorry..." I wiped at my eyes. "That's a good one, Headmistress."

"I was serious, Percy. They need to know how to fight like you. Who better to teach them than," I stared at her, but my brain was beginning to whirl.

"Well...I'll need two people from camp. They don't have to come right away. Is that okay?"

McGonagall nodded. "Names?"

"Clarisse La Rue and Will Solace. Clarisse is a monster with a spear and Will can be the medic in case anyone gets hurt. He shoots like crap, which isn't that normal for an Apollo kid, but he can show the students how to analyze an opponent. He fights like a doctor, picking an artery or an important muscle to slice that will kill or incapacitate. Thals can help me teach archery, since I suck."

McGonagall nodded again. "Well, you'll be excused from classes. I'm sure Annabeth can help you with the homework."

"She basically teaches it to me anyway."

"Shall I tell the students we have a teacher, but not who it is?"

I grinned. "If you can get Clarisse and Will here tomorrow as well, I've got a plan for the announcement for each class. If not, I can do something else."

McGonagall shook her head. "I can get them here in an hour. Where would you like me to put them?"

"Can you put up small cabins by Hagrid's hut?"

"Of course."

"Cool. Each will make the cabin their own after Hecate blesses them with magic."

The headmistress smiled. "That's all then. Are you satisfied?"

I grinned. "I'll have to change this room a bit, but that can be done later. Shall we go to the Great Hall?"

McGonagall swept out of the room and I followed.


"I'm sure you have all heard that one of our teachers got vaporized today. There is a good reason, and while I would rather have had that Percy came to me about it first, he took care of the situation rather well, eliminating the threat from the classroom before she could hurt anyone. Classes for the rest of the day have been cancelled and Percy has a detention with me so we can sort some things about this out. Enjoy the rest of your day."

McGonagall left the podium at the front of the Great Hall and motioned for me to follow her. I did my best to look like I was in trouble, when really I was practically bouncing up and down. Once the shock of what she had asked me to do wore off, I was elated. This was basically going to be like teaching the swordsmanship class at camp.

"Where are we going, Headmistress?" I asked politely. Yes, I'm being polite. Sometimes you find someone who deserves respect. Most of the gods don't.

"We're going to apparate to your camp."

"But Hermione said-"

"Being Headmistress has special privileges." She offered her arm. "Hold on tight."

I did.

Apparition is the most awful feeling I've ever experienced.

Being squeezed through a tube isn't fun.

We landed by Thalia's tree, practically on top of Clarisse, who was currently threatening Will.

"Gods, Clarisse, we know you like him but you don't have to be so forceful." I teased.

The daughter of Ares scrambled off of the unusually pale son of Apollo and wasted no time in lunging at me. I blocked her spear easily and disarmed her quickly. McGonagall watched with amusement.

"I can see why you wanted her, Percy. Excellent reflexes."

"Who's this, Prissy?" Clarisse asked.

"Headmistress McGonagall of Hogwarts. She needs to talk to Chiron and I need to talk to you two."

[A/N YAY CHAPTER! Sorry, I was on a roll and decided to do two in one night instead of working on another. Enjoy it!]

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