The Super Sized McShizzle Makes An Entrance

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Percy POV

"LAST ONE INTO THE LAKE IS A ROTTEN EGG!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, running towards the dark mass of water.

"He's nuts..." I heard Jason say.

"C'mon Jase!" Piper raced after me, whooping up a storm. Annabeth sped into a run and matched pace with the daughter of Aphrodite.

How do I know this? I'm running backwards.

"PERCY LOOK OUT!" Annabeth pointed behind me.

I whirled in time to see a mass of white blonde hair before I crashed into someone, bringing us both to the ground.

"Sorry Luna!"

She smiled at me. "It's okay, Percy, the wrackspurst probably got to you." I smiled at her, knowing she was referring to tiny spirits that floated along near the River Lethe in the Underworld.

"Yeah, wrackspurts. Hey, where's Neville?"

"Doing what he does best. Helping the plants grow." Luna smiled as I helped her to her feet.

"You're sure you're okay?" She nodded, then pointed to the lake.

"If you don't hurry, you're going to lose." She walked off, waving at my friends who were almost to the lake. I took off at a dead sprint.

When I had almost reached the lake, I could hear the argument happening between two of my friends.

"Pipes, you know how I feel about water. I'll sit this one out, okay?"

"C'mon, Jase, we're with Percy, you'll be fine."

"No. I'll just watch, it's fin-"

"COME ON, GRACE!" I tackled him at the waist and we both fell into the water.

Jason shoved at me and kicked like a madman, swearing profusely in Latin, but I held on tight, forming a bubble around us.

"See? You're fine. Let's go topside. I swear on the Styx I won't let anything happen to you." Jason nodded shakily and I let the bubble pop. We swam to the surface.

"Jason, how's the water?" Piper called jokingly. Annabeth swam up to me and pecked me on the cheek, watching the interaction between Jason and his girlfriend.

"Why don't you find out?" Jason responded similarly. Hermione stepped forward and gave Piper a push. She fell into the water with a shriek. Ron's little sister Ginny leapt in after her.

"WHOOOO!" Ginny screamed.

I grinned at Annabeth. "I'm gonna get Jason, okay?" She smirked.

"Go ahead, Seaweed Brain." I dove under the water and swam behind Jason. I popped up and grinned at Piper, who shrieked in surprise. Jason whirled only to get a faceful of water.


"Jason!" I imitated in the girly yelp that had erupted from the son of Jupiter's mouth.

He lunged at me. "Get over here!" We began to wrestle back and forth. Annabeth and Piper cheered us on.

Suddenly something pulled me from Jason and down into the water.

Jason POV

Harry and Ron freaked out when Percy was ripped away from my grip and down into the depths of the lake.

"Where'd he go?! D'ya think the squid got him?" Ron asked nervously.

Annabeth shrugged, her grey eyes scanning the water. "He'll be fine. Let's go get lunch."

"You're just going to leave him down there?" Ginny cried.

"He's Seaweed Brain. He'll be fine." Annabeth got out of the water and muttered a spell under her breath, flicking her wand at herself. Instantly she was dry.

"That's really cruel." Harry commented.

"He can hold his breath for over 10 minutes." Piper lied.

"How?" Harry asked. We shrugged.

"No clue. Let's get food."


Percy POV

So basically what happened was that Darvell the giant squid had found a mermaid stuck in a net down at the bottom of the lake and wanted me to help. Maleara had been surprised to see a son of Poseidon and called me 'Lord' several dozen times while I cut her tail free from a net designed to catch grindylows.

"See ya, Darvell, Maleara. I'm hungry." I swam to the surface and got out, fully dry. Time for food.

An Iris Message stopped me before I could get very far. "We'll be there in a few minutes." Leo said with a grin, swiping through the message before I could answer.

I ran towards the castle.

"Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth waved me over. I sat by her and smiled.

"You guys are weird." Harry said.

"Wait til you meet Leo....oh gods, Annabeth, LEO!" I panicked slightly.

"He messaged me and told me he was coming right now!"

"What's so bad about that?" Ron asked.

"Take me with my dyslexia, and add the ADHD of 15 hyper children, then multiply it by 20. That's half of Leo's personality." I explained quickly.

McGonagall stood to speak. "We have two more exchange students-" She was cut off as the doors burst open with a flare of fire. A familiar voice echoed from the smoky corridor.


[A/N YAY LEO! idk why I named the giant squid Darvell. Seemed a better name than Frank, which I see a lot. Along with a lot of other 'F' DARVELL IT IS! enjoy the hecticallity (is that a word?) that is my mind

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