All Fun And Games

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Percy POV

I figured out Hazel's motives almost immediately. Nico would go to Slytherin, he'd enjoy it there. Drake was also one of his few friends. His half sister wanted to make sure he wasn't the odd one out.

"-tattoos." Harry hissed to Ron and Hermione from next to me. Hermione harrumphed and turned away from him, but Ron's eyes went wide.

"Percy, did Hazel choose Slytherin for Nico?" Luna's voice floated to my ears from close behind me. I swiveled to grin at her.

"Most likely. They're really close. And Frank would never leave Hazel's side. They're the cutest couple I've ever seen."

"I disagree." Piper put in with a smirk.

"Percabeth?" Jason asked her.

"Percabeth." She confirmed.

"Seriously, Pipes, you've been hanging out with your siblings too much. You're starting to act like a girl." Annabeth said.

I gasped dramatically. "Piper acting like a GIRL?! The world is ending!"

She punched me and Ginny laughed. "Good aim."


I whimpered obnoxiously. "Piper, that huuuuuuuuuuurt."

"Shut up, Fish Face."

"Make me, Beauty Queen."

"Hey, guys, let's play that game!" Leo suddenly burst in.

"What game, be a bit specific, Fireball." Jason grinned.

"Ack, I forgot the name. Ya know, the one...the one where we try and embarrass each other. The chicken kinda one. Beauty Queen made it up. I think Jason and Percy won last time."

"OH!" Piper bounced up and down in her seat. "I know what you're talking about!"

"Then please explain, because I don't." I said.

"The 'ILY' Game." Piper and Annabeth said at the same time.

"Oh my gods, let's do it!" I must've been grinning like a maniac.

"What is 'it,' exactly?" Ginny looked intrigued.

"We need somewhere private to play." Annabeth said. "We'll explain there." She pulled Piper and Ginny up and they ran out of the hall, Ginny babbling something about knowing where to go.

The rest of us demigods at the Gryffindor table leapt to our feet. "Callie, Leo, get Luna. She's over by the Ravenclaw table. Hermione, you know where the girls were headed?" She nodded and I grinned. "I'll get the others. Go!" We began to run as well. Seeing Neville staring at us in confusion, I motioned for him to come with. He got up and ran over.

"What's going on?"

"Game! Luna's playing too, want to join?"


"Follow the girls."

Rather than being subtle and secretive, I let the others pass me going out the door, then turned. "HAZ, FRANK, DRAKE! C'MON, LOSERS, WE'RE GONNA PLAY A GAME!"

Hazel pulled Draco up and took his hand in one hand, dragging Frank with her other one. "Where we going?"

"Follow the trail of crazy, dangerously powerful teens." I took off down the hall.

Footsteps pounded and echoed as we sprinted after our friends.


Annabeth POV

"Don't let in Harry or Ron." Ginny advised. We were clustered around a tapestry on the 7th floor.

"I'll make sure they can't get in." Hermione frowned. "Everyone stay out of my way."

She paced swiftly up and down the corridor, her frown deepening with each turn. After her third pass, a door materialized. "Alright, nobody that isn't like us will be able to get in. With the exception of Ginny."

We filed in to see a room full of cushions and comfortable seats. A single small table was in the center.

"If it needs to be bigger, I can make it that way." Hermione offered.

"No, this is good. Demigods who don't know this game, all I'm going to say is that it's immensely fun and extremely uncomfortable at the same time. Enjoy, Hazel and I will go first." Piper said.

Hazel groaned. "This isn't going to end well."

The two girls faced off at the table. "Ladies, begin." I said. We dropped into seats to watch.

"Hazel, I love you." Piper purred.

Hazel bit her lip, then batted her eyelashes seductively. "Strange, I love you too."

Piper's jaw dropped and her face went red. "Oh my gods, Hazel! Where the Hades did that come from?!"

Hazel went bright red as well. "Uh...I don't know."

"Well, Hazel obviously wins." I said. "Now she faces Percy."

Percy dragged himself to his feet with a grin.

"Let's do this, Levesque."

[A/N FLUFF CHAPTER! Ihrschatz0307 be happy I got two updates in. Hopefully I'll be able to do more when my dad is out of town, means I don't have anything to do during the day. Duj Duj, sweetie!

Yeah, we're weird. AAAAAAAAAANYWAY, enjoy this chappie. I love this idea and the mental image of the demigods doing this is the best

Also, PENTATONIX IS BAE! I love them so much and the song I put on is REALLY GOOD!]

They're What?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora