Birds Fly Out the Window

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Third Person POV

Hermione and Percy took Percy's classroom for their interrogation room.

The first three students they got were Dean, Seamus, and a fifth year by the name of Lara.

None of them knew anything.

"I hope someone else is actually finding decent information." Hermione muttered as they sent a stuttery, shaking Lara out the door. The girl had been terrified of Percy, even though he just stood off to the side with his arms crossed over his chest.

"We'll get someone who knows something eventually." Percy told her, not looking up from where he was glaring at the floor.

"Percy, we're going to find her." Hermione promised him.

"If we don't get any information from anyone soon, I'm going to the Forbidden Forest." Percy commented nonchalantly.

"You're going to what?!" Hermione turned sharply to stare at him.

"She could be there, I won't stop until I find her. That means checking every possible place she could be."

Hermione sighed and turned towards the door as it began to open.

"Sit down, we're g- Ron."

He stood awkwardly in the doorway. "I got sent up here by McGonagall. What's going on? Is someone missing?"

"Yes. Sit down." Hermione replied icily.

Ron cautiously sat in the desk in the center of the room. Percy had pushed all the rest of the desks against the wall so he and Hermione had room to move if they needed to.

"Who's missing?" He asked.

"Annabeth." Percy replied shortly, staring him down.

"Annabeth? Did you check the room of Requirement?"


"The library?"


"The bathrooms?"

"For gods' sakes, yes!" Percy bellowed.

Ron paled slightly at his tone. "Okay, sorry."

"Did you see anything suspicious during the ball?" Hermione asked, launching into the standard questions she'd decieded to ask.

"No..." Ron drew the word out like he was thinking.

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked him, leaning lightly on the desk.

"Well..." He started, then seemed to change his mind, "No."

"You hesitated." Hermione raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well I saw something, but it's not important, I'm sure."

"What was it?"

"I'm not telling you." Ron crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair.

Percy started forward, which made the redhead pale again, but he shook his head stubbornly.

"Percy, I'll handle this one." Hermione drew her wand slowly and waved it in the air above her head. "Avis."

Five small yellow finches appeared above her head, swooping and chirping cheerfully. Percy didn't see how this would help, but Ron's face, if possible, became even more pale.

"Hermione, come o-"

"Tell me what you saw." Hermione ordered.

"No." Ron said, his voice shaking.

Hermione pointed her wand at him. "Oppugno!"

The birds began to divebomb Ron, scratching at his arms and the back of his neck as he frantically covered his head and ducked against the table.

"Ow, ow, Hermione, call them off, ow!"

"Tell me!" Hermione yelled.

"Fine, okay, I'll tell you, call the bloody things off!" Ron pleaded frantically.

Hermione flicked her wand and the birds resumed flitting around her.

All parts of Ron's skin that had been exposed were bleeding, full of scratches and small marks from the birds' claws and beaks.

"Right about when everyone started noticing how you guys were acting, when you all left the Great Hall, I noticed him acting weird. He was a little out of breath, he wasn't paying attention to what I said, he kept glancing around. I didn't pay attention to it."

"Who?" Hermione asked, but it was Percy who had the answer.


Ron nodded. "Yeah. Bloody hell, you don't think Harry did it, do you?"

"Is Harry being questioned right now?" Percy asked.

"I think so. He mentioned going to Binns' classroom."

Percy and Hermione exchanged glances. "Emmy and Nico."

"Ron, tell Headmistress McGonagall that we won't be taking anyone to Percy's classroom until further notice." Hermione ordered.

Ron nodded and left quickly, trying to stem the bleeding on his arms and neck.

"Let's go talk to Harry."


Nico was getting extremely irritated with the 'Chosen One.' It may have had to do with the splitting headache that was building, but he was sure the unhelpful boy was adding to it.

"Answer my questions." He growled.


"Potter, if you don't start talking soon I'm going to physically hurt you."

"So get on with it. I'm not talking."

Nico looked over to Emmy, who didn't seem keen on watching him beat up the insufferable kid sitting in front of them, no matter just how annoying he was.

The door opened and Percy stomped in, grabbing Harry and dragging him out of the desk he was sitting in, then dragging him to the window.

"Start talking or I'm dumping you out the window."

"Do it." Harry taunted.

Hermione, who had come in with Percy, walked up to the two black haired boys and dug in Harry's pocket, pulling out his wand.

"Do it now." She said.

Percy unlatched the window and opened it wide.

"Are you crazy?" Harry yelled.

"What did you do to Annabeth?" Percy snapped, lifting him as if to throw him.

"Why should I tell you?" Harry shouted back.

The room went silent and Percy dropped Harry onto the ground, still keeping a hold of his shirt.

"So you did something to her." It wasn't a question.

Harry looked at the faces watching him.


[A/N I know some of you would have liked to see Percy throw him out the window, but I decided against it]

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