"Sorry" Doesn't Make Us Friends

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Percy POV

I woke up to someone shaking me. Looking up, I saw Drake's white hair against the dark sky.

"What?" I asked him.

"We've been up here for three hours." He explained. "It started raining and I waited inside since I knew you wouldn't be bothered, but I figured you'd get cold soon anyway, the wind is starting to blow harder."

I nodded and sat up. Drake sat on his heels, hugging his arms to himself and shivering slightly.

"Yeah, we should get inside." I agreed, going to the window I had climbed out to get there and going inside. 

"We should go to the hospital wing." Drake suggested. "Annabeth should be awake by now."

I nodded and started that way. I wanted to make sure my girlfriend was okay.

We walked down the halls in silence. Drake understood that I wanted to be left alone.

Most of the demigods were outside the hospital wing. Piper noticed us first and leapt up, having been sitting with Jason and leaning against the double doors.

"Hey, Percy, how are you?" Grover asked. 

"I'm okay...I think. Is Annabeth awake?"

Piper shrugged. "We haven't checked. Pomfrey made us leave so she could take care of her.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the door handles, throwing the double doors open wide.

"Mr. Jackson, I must insist-"

"Don't care, stop talking." I went over to Annabeth's bed. She was still unconscious, but she looked much better. Someone must have given her ambrosia and nectar while I was gone.

"I made sure she had what she needed." Grover told me, possibly having heard my thoughts.

As if proving my point, his voice sounded in my head. Are you sure you're okay?

No, I'm not. I told him. I'm not sure if I'm okay because I don't even know what okay is anymore.

Geez, Perce. I felt him move forward, then his arm draped over my shoulder. If you need to talk or anything, I'll be here for a few more days.

"Really?" I asked out loud, turning to look at him. The others in the room looked confused, but we ignored them.

"Yes. I want to make sure you and Annabeth are holding up okay." Grover said seriously.

"That's great." I gave him a hug.

A small chuckle emanated from the bed next to us and Annabeth's eyes fluttered open.

"There's a bromance if ever I saw one."

"Annabeth!" I leapt forward as she sat up. "You're okay!"

"Course I am, Seaweed Brain. A little bruised and battered, but I'm fine." 

Despite Madame Pomfrey's loud protests, Annabeth got off the bed. I pulled her close and she smiled up at me before taking my face in her hands and pressing her lips to mine.

Annabeth and I have shared quite a few kisses during our relationship, but in my opinion, some of the best are the ones that happen after one of us has nearly died. If it's me, there's usually a slap first.

None of them will beat the underwater kiss though.

"I'm so glad you're safe." I whispered to her as she pulled away from me.

"I know you are."

We kissed again, ignoring the various sounds of irritation and disgust from around us.

"Uh, am I interrupting something?" Someone asked awkwardly.

"Kind of." Piper responded coldly as Annabeth and I broke apart, her keeping one arm around my waist while I kept mine across her shoulders.

Harry and Ron stood in the door, fidgeting.

"We wanted to come and say we're sorry." Harry said quietly. "We shouldn't have done what we did and we apologize for having been so rude and stupid. We apologize for everything."

I glared at him for a few moments.

"We accept your apology." Annabeth finally said.

Their heads came up and Harry smiled at us. "Really? Thank y-"

"I said we accept your apology. I didn't say we forgive you."

Ron looked sad, but nodded that he understood. Harry, however, crossed his arms. "Well why not?"

"Because there are some things that you just can't wave off, Potter." Drake spoke up. "And what you've done to Percy and his friends more than qualify to be in that category."

"I didn't ask you, Malfoy." Harry sneered.

"You'll have to accept his answer anyway though because he's correct." Annabeth retorted. 

Harry rolled his eyes and stomped out. Ron looked like he was going to follow, then stopped. "What can I do to prove that I'm sorry?" He asked.

I caught Hermione's eye, telling her to take over.

"Well for starters, stop following Harry around so much." The bushy haired girl said. Ron nodded. "Also, try finding ways to help us out. Start paying attention in Percy's class, start trying. Help us defend the school."

"I will, I promise." He nodded again. "Uh, Percy, is your classroom open?"

I shook my head. "Not at the moment."

Ron made a face, then shrugged. "Alright, I'll wait until tomorrow then. See you guys later."

He left and I turned to look at Annabeth. "He seems to have gotten over his little crush."

"He has." She smiled. "If he is truly going to start trying, we might have another fighter who can join us if we have another battle."

[A/N la dee da, writing in Physics class....I had three free periods today, guys. Also, it seems Wattpad needs to fix something because a lot of people have been having problems with their notifications. Get it together, wattpad staff!]

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