Get Away

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Percy POV

I laid Annabeth on a bed in the infirmary.

"Don't touch her." I ordered as Madame Pomfrey rushed forward.

"Please, you need to let me help her, I am a medical professional and-"

"I said don't touch her." I growled. "I'm calling the best."

Digging in my pocket for a drachma, I pulled a sheen of mist up in front of me. Waving my wand, I whispered, "Lumos," and created a rainbow.

"Hey Fleecy, get me Apollo. It's extremely urgent."

The image fuzzed for a few seconds before showing a disheveled Apollo pulling a shirt on in someone's bathroom.

"What do you want?" He asked quietly.

"What are you-never mind, I don't want to know what you're doing. I need help."

"With what?"

"Annabeth's in a coma. She's beaten up and she's definitely been tortured, both physically and mentally."

His eyes widened and he nodded. "I'll be over in a few minutes. Keep her comfortable and on her back."

"Right." He disconnected and I went back to Annabeth, taking her hand and holding it in my own as she shivered on the bed.

"Alright, I'm here." Apollo was beside me suddenly. "What can you tell me?"

"Not much. She's been missing for a few hours, she was out in the forest in the cold. Grover might be able to give you more."

"Go find him for me, Perce."

I shook my head. "I'm staying with her."

"Percy, I need to know what Grover knows, go-"

"No. Have Madame Pomfrey go find him or something, I'm not moving."

To prove my point, I pulled a chair over with my foot and sat down, still holding Annabeth's hand.

Apollo sighed and turned to the nurse. "Madame...Pomfrey, was it? Please find Grover Underwood."

"I don't know that name, sir." Madame Pomfrey said.

"Just look for the kid with a beard and furry legs." Apollo said.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Go!" He barked. Madame Pomfrey yelped in surprise and left the room quickly.

"Percy, I know you want to stay near her, but I may need to have you let go of her hand, depending on what I have to do."

I swallowed nervously, but squeezed Annabeth's hand again and nodded. "If you need me to, I will. But not until then."

Apollo nodded back. "That's fine." He began to move his hands over Annabeth, his palms glowing slightly as he assessed the damage to her body.

In all honesty, I was more concerned about her mental state at the moment.

"After physical examination, it seems to be only minor wounds. Nothing a little ambrosia and nectar can't fix."

"What about her mental stability?" I asked.

"I'm working on that." Apollo sighed. "Miss Chase has an extremely sound barrier into her mind, it may take me a few minutes to get through it."

"Get on it then." I muttered.

"Alright, alright, hold your pegasi."

"Is this who you wanted?" Madame Pomfrey opened the door. I could see Grover standing behind her.

"Get in here, Underwood." Apollo said without looking up. "I need to know what you found when you found Annabeth."

"Nothing, really." Grover shrugged. "She was in a clearing, by herself, at the edge of the camp that they had. She was cold and the ground around her was wet so I assume that someone meddled with the atmosphere around her to make it rain or something. She's been beat up, but you can see that. I didn't see anyone near her, no guards or anything. She was tied to a stake so they probably thought she wasn't worth the time."

I scowled. These monsters must have been newly hatched or something, to think my Wise Girl wouldn't be a threat to them. Nevertheless, I was grateful that they had ignored her, since it had made getting her back easier.

Apollo was nodding as he started at Annabeth. He had his hands on either side of her head.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. 

"Trying to get into her mind so I can see her mental state." He grunted. "It's proving to be rather difficult.

We sat in silence, letting Apollo work for a few minutes.

"Alright, I think I'm almost through." He muttered.

Annabeth sat up sharply, headbutting the god of healing as she did so.

"Ow!" Apollo stumbled back a pace, clutching his forehead.

"Annabeth? Are you okay?" I asked her.

She slipped off the bed, away from me, and unsheathed her dagger.

"Stay away from me!"

"Annabeth, it's me." I frowned. She backed into a corner, shaking her head.

"You're wrong!"


"If I can't get out, Percy will come and get me. And won't you be sorry when he does!"

I looked at Grover and Apollo in confusion. "What is she talking about?"

The sun god sighed, still rubbing his head. "It seems she's suffering from vivid hallucinations. She's not seeing us, most likely some twisted, evil thing that tortured her in the forest."

"She's suffering from what?!"

[A/N dun dun dun! I'm officially the worst kind of updater XD sorry about that! Been with family, kind of prioritized them, you know? I'll update when I can, as usual. It should get better now as I'm not in the last theater production of my school so I won't be at practices constantly]

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