Aphrodite's Idea of Fun

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Third Person POV

The demigods showed up one by one. Travis and Conner's eyes lit up at the sight of the castle as Annabeth led them to the Room of Requirement. It had been decided that each person or pair of people would take a certain visitor or group of visitors there and then the entire group would call for Aphrodite. A few of the other demigods were already up there waiting.

Draco was fidgeting nervously and messing up his hair over and over. The others weren't sure why he was so nervous and he wouldn't tell them.

Gwen and Dakota appeared, Dakota sporting his usual bright red, kool-aid stained lips.

Hazel smiled and motioned for them to follow her. Hermione went with.

The three daughters of Apollo appeared. Mitch pushed her dark brown bangs out of her face and grinned when she saw Emmy.

"You must be the light-up girl."

Emmy nodded awkwardly and her three sisters tackled her into a group hug.

Percy chuckled at Emmy's surprised face.

When the three girls finally backed up, Martha turned to Draco. The son of Nemesis was beet red and shuffling back and forth.

"Drake, you and Emmy take these three up to the Room. We'll send the next group up soon." Percy told them.

Reyna appeared on her own. She nodded to Frank.

"Damien settled in then?" Frank asked.

"He'll be fine, he's competent and he doesn't feel the need to backstab the current praetors when they leave for a few days." Reyna said. Frank nodded in agreement and led her off.

Leila showed up next, her black hair and almond shaped eyes that were somehow bright green making her more noticeable. Seeing Neville, she ran over and leapt into his arms.

The rest of the group was surprised until Neville spoke, "Get off, big sis, you're crushing me!"

"Crush you? Never." Leila let go and inspected him. "Puberty hit you like a truck, didn't it?"

Neville blushed. "Let's go see the castle."

Leila laughed at his awkwardness. "I want to meet this girlfriend of yours."

Neville went redder, if that was possible.

Arguing filled the air as they walked away and Percy turned to see a familiar sight.

Maggie scolded Aidan as the blond boy grinned lovingly at her. He couldn't care less what she was saying at the moment, Percy could tell, he was just focusing on how beautiful his girlfriend looked.

Finally the girl seemed to notice that her boyfriend wasn't listening. She sighed and rolled her eyes goodnaturedly before pulling him in for a light kiss.

If Percy hadn't been close enough to hear what came after, he might have thought that they were the kind of couple who just kissed to tell each other they loved each other.

But he heard what Maggie told Aidan as she pulled away.

"Pay attention, Bozo." It was as goodnatured as her eye-roll had been.

Aidan chuckled. "I am, don't worry."

"You two ready to go?" Percy interrupted them as they leaned in for another kiss.

Their heads swiveled to see him. "Oh, yeah." Aidan said, lacing his fingers into Maggie's.

"Alright, let's go." Percy led them through the castle, pointing out the different pictures and things.

"This it?" Aidan asked when they reached the tapestry and the door.

"Yep." Percy pushed open the door and the two Romans entered.

"And that's everyone!" Annabeth announced. "Let's get started."

Piper sighed and closed her eyes. The rest of the group let her speak with her mother in silence and soon the smell of perfume filled the air.

"Oh this will be so lovely!" Aphrodite cooed, appearing in the center of the ring of demigods, right next to Piper, who cringed at her mother's tone.

The goddess of Love scanned the room, her eyes sparkling excitedly. The room itself changed, the walls becoming a light pink and plush furniture and wardrobes appearing everywhere. There was a changing station and fluffy rugs on the ground.

"Everyone sit down, except for...you darling." She pointed to Leila.

The daughter of Ceres stayed where she was while her half-brother and the others moved towards the couches, looking slightly uncertain.

Aphrodite circled the poor girl, scrutinizing her form.

"Daughter of Ceres, yes?" She asked.

Leila nodded slowly, her pale skin glinting slightly as the lights began to change in the room. Aphrodite seemed to be deciding how the Chinese-descended girl looked with different tints shining on her.

"Are you close to your roots?" Aphrodite asked.

"Very." Leila answered calmly.

The goddess nodded again, frowning a little at the challenge that this girl apparently posed.

"Oh, I have just the thing!" She suddenly crowed, triumphant. "Come, come!"

Grabbing Leila's arm, she dragged her behind the curtain.

Percy glanced over at Thalia and Clarisse, who both looked rather disgusted with the whole process.

'This is going to be a long day.'

[A/N so that took a long time. Sorry]

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