Red Hair, Red Face, Hated By Annabeth Chase

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Harry POV

What Nico did during Potions scared the crap out of me to be honest.

No one should be able to even touch a ghost, let alone deck one and leave them sprawling.

"Ginny, you wouldn't be saying that if you'd seen it!" Ron was arguing with my gir-my ex-girlfriend. She was my ex now.

"I stand by them, Ronald, they're my friends. Unlike some people," she glared pointedly at me, "I actually stay loyal."

I clenched my fists. 

"Ginny, you've known Harry since you were eleven. I'm your bloody brother! Why are you siding with them?!"

I heard a resounding slap. "FOR THE SAME REASON HERMIONE HAS BEEN AVOIDING YOU!" Ginny roared.

Whirling, I took in the scene that had escalated in only a minute. 

The students in the halls had split to the sides to watch Ginny chew out her brother. Ron clutched his cheek, which was bright red. He stared at his little sister as she ranted.

"You think no one noticed you ogling Annabeth?! First, she's dating Percy. They've been through hell together and they aren't breaking up, get over it. Second, you don't know them the way I do! I know stuff about the exchange students that you couldn't think up in your wildest fantasy! Don't judge before you know the story, moron. And don't talk to me anymore. Either of you!" The last part was directed at me as she whirled to glare my direction.

"What's going on here?" We turned to see 'Professor' Percy and Annabeth watching the scene.

"Well, I confronted Ronald about his stupid crush on Annabeth, slapped him and put him back in line. Where's Piper?" Ginny asked, like nothing had happened.

"She's probably with Jason." Annabeth said.

"Ron has a crush on Annabeth?" Percy asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Uhh..." Ron said.

Percy advanced slowly, Annabeth only a few steps behind. Apparently she wanted to see her stupid boyfriend beat up Ron.

"Please not the face, I already got one there." Ron whimpered.

Percy stopped a few feet from him and suddenly dropped into a crouch, hunched over with his back facing the ceiling.

Everyone was confused until Annabeth took two running steps and leapt onto Percy's back, using him as a springboard.

As she landed on Ron, knocking him to the ground with her one knee on his stomach and her other foot on the floor next to him, she produced a dagger from somewhere and pressed it against his throat.

"If you so much as look at me in a weird way again, I will skin you alive." She hissed.

Ron nodded carefully, probably not wanting to be pricked by the sharp blade.

"Good." Annabeth stood, the dagger disappearing back to where it came from.

"Alright, everyone go to class, show's over." Percy called calmly.

"Hey, Perce! The Headmistress wants to talk to you!" Hazel appeared in the crowd, pulling a very pissed looking Nico along with her. "Take Nico, it concerns him too."

Percy rolled his eyes. "I am not my cousin's keeper, but fine."

Nico scowled as Percy grabbed him firmly by the arm and hissed something in his ear.

"Don't tell me what to do, Percy. You aren't my freaking doctor!"

Percy smirked. "Ah, but Will is. And he's currently on my list of people that I can call up at any given time to have them do something. As is Clarisse." 

He shot his cousin a meaningful look that Nico returned with several rude hand gestures.

"I hate you."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm not your type. Let's go Death Breath."

"Will you let that go?!" Nico shouted exasperatedly as he was dragged down the corridor.

I barely caught Percy's response over the other students who had gone back to their own conversations.

"Never. Let's go talk to McGonagall."

[A/N I don't like Ron either.]

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