Personality and Picking Outfits

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Third Person POV

"Ready?" Aphrodite called excitedly.

"I guess." Leila answered.

"Well, let's see it then!"

The daughter of Ceres took a deep breath and stepped out so her audience could give their input.

"Suits you." Reyna said calmly.

"It really brings out your skin tone." Piper commented, then flushed red. "Uh, normally I wouldn't say that...Mom!"

Aphrodite giggled.

"You look great, Leila." Neville smiled. Leila nodded. The only approval she really needed was a look in the mirror. Her straight black hair was in a bun on the back of her head, with chopsticks holding it. Her dress was a green kimono style design with pink flowers. She wore plain black flat slippers.

"I like it." She decided.

"Good!" Aphrodite cooed, snapping her fingers. The daughter of Ceres was back in her regular clothes and a mannequin appeared at the side, the outfit waiting for the night to come.

"Let's go, Miss Arellano." Reyna's head shot up.


"Yes." Aphrodite's features changed slightly, becoming more angled. "Let's go, daughter of Rome."

Reyna stood and followed Venus behind the screen. There were a few moments of hushed talking and lights changing color, then the goddess stepped into view.

"Take your time."

After another short period, Reyna's voice sounded. "I'm ready."

The daughter of Bellona stood proud in the royal purple dress she was given. A golden cape hung from the one shouldered gown, attaching to the back behind her other shoulder. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail, versus it's normal braid, and the curls cascaded down her back to a few inches below the bottoms of her shoulder blades.

"Like a true praetor." Annabeth smiled. Reyna checked herself in the mirror, then frowned.

"Something's not quite right."

Venus pondered this, then waved her hand. Reyna dropped about two inches as the heels she had been wearing changed to golden sandals.

"That's better." Piper voiced the goddess and demigod's thoughts.

"How come you didn't change for me?" Leila asked as Venus sent the outfit to a second mannequin and Reyna sat down.

"You aren't as connected to Rome, you're still stretching yourself home. I didn't need to dig into the Roman culture to find something for your outfit." Venus explained.

"I want to go next!" Lauren stood up.

The goddess of love examined her for a moment, then switched back to her Greek form, which she seemed to prefer, if the smile on her face was any indication.

Or maybe that was just excitement that she got to do this.

"Right this way."

Behind the screen, there was silence for a few moments before Lauren began declaring her opinion.

"Too long. I'll trip."

"Too short! I may only be five feet tall, but that's not okay."

"Not eye catching enough. People will trip over me if I wear that! They won't even see me standing there until they hit me!"

Leo stifled a chuckle.

"Ooh, that one's good." Lauren finally decided on a bright yellow dress that went to her ankles. Aphrodite paired it with a shawl and black heels that matched the lace on the bodice. Lauren's brown hair was left down, draping across her shoulders.

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