Arrogance Versus Ambition

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Harry POV

Ginny hasn't talked to me in a week.


After the whole outburst thing, Piper followed Ginny out the door amidst whispers and snickering.

A few minutes later they came back. Ginny was looking awed at something and Piper was laughing at her expression. They came over and sat down. Ginny ignored all of us and struck up an immediate conversation with the exchange students.

~End of Flashback~

No new exchange students had come yet, but there were more beds open, so I knew some more were coming.

"Hey, are any of you trying out for quidditch this year?" Ginny asked the exchange students.

"We don't have quidditch at our school. Can you re-explain it?" Percy asked.

Ginny did so quickly. Jason and Percy's eyes lit up with two very different emotions.

Jason looked ecstatic.

Percy looked terrified.

"We should try out, Perce! It'd be fun!" Jason exclaimed.

"No! No way are you getting me on a broom that flies!" The great Percy Jackson, afraid of heights? Priceless.

Jason shrugged. "Pipes, Annabeth, you gonna try out?" Piper grinned and Annabeth shrugged.

"I could," The blonde said.

"You should!" Ron encouraged her.

"I don't know. I'll think about it."

"If she does, she'll make it easily." Percy said, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend's shoulder.

McGonagall stood and cleared her throat. "We have two more exchange students joining us today! Please welcome Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang."

The doors opened to admit a tiny African American girl with curly hair the color of cinnamon. Standing next to her and towering over her was a Chinese looking boy. He was muscular, but his expression had traces of a baby-face.

The exchange students already there stood and called at the same time, "DAAAAAAANG ZHAAAAAAAANG!"

The Chinese boy went red. "Shut up you guys." His accent wasn't quite the same American that the rest had. From his reaction to the attention focused on him, I could tell he was kind of shy. The girl grabbed his hand and squeezed it, smiling up at him.

"Hazel Levesque, please step forward to be sorted."

As she did, I saw a tattoo on her forearm.

No way.

Hazel POV

I scanned the tables as I walked towards the stool. My friends were at one of them, but the others at the table seemed rather hostile. Chiron had explained the tattoo of the Death Eater, and I figured they must be able to see my SPQR one.

The hat brim went over my eyes.

Another one? How many more of you are coming?

You can talk! I yelped mentally.

That I can, Hazel Levesque. My job is to look through your memories and sort you into a house. You may ask for a certain one if you wish. I will consider your preferences.

I remembered the hostile glares of the teens at the one table.

Please don't put me at the one where my friends are. The others there seem rude and arrogant.

That would be the house of the Brave. But it is true that they can be rather arrogant at times. I will not put you there.

Thank you. Which is the house that Draco Malfoy is in?

Slytherin, the house of the Cunning and Ambitious. Which would fit you well, trying to form a cavalry in a Roman Legion. Do you wish me to put you there?

Yes please.

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled. Several jaws dropped all around. I winked at Percy, who returned the gesture, then went to sit by Draco. I only got a smattering of applause, mostly from the Slytherins and my friends.

"Hi, Hazel." He smiled at me.

"Hello Draco."

"SLYTHERIN!" Frank took the spot next to me so I sat between the two demigods.

"How will we sacrifice?" Frank whispered to me. I shrugged.

"Separate a portion of your food on your plate and clink your fork against the rim three times. The house elves sacrifice it for us." Draco demonstrated.

"Cool." I followed suit and watched as my food disappeared.

"Almost all of our classes are with Gryffindor this year. I see Perce and the others all the time." Draco said, seeing me glance at the other group of demigods again.


[A/N WHEEEEE CHAPTER! Idk what to say, except that I'm putting Hazel into Slytherin for multiple reasons. And yes one of them is Nico. Because Nico would hate Harry, but he'd also hate to be in the Slytherin house by himself and I would never do that to my baby!]

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