Dangerous Plans

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Third Person POV

Annabeth explained the situation to Percy.

"The Minister of Magic is wary of us, but he didn't order the attack. Someone within the ministry seems to think we're animals that need to be caged and watched."

He frowned. "That's disgusting."

She nodded. "Headmistress McGonagall told him firmly that Hogwarts was extending it's protection over us. Hermione said we can come back up."

"Finally!" Thalia exclaimed, waking Nico.

Percy chuckled. "Let me get Calypso, then we'll go." He slipped out of the bubble and swam off.

"We need to tell the students what they're up against." Clarisse said insistently.

Almost everyone who'd been against it before nodded. They could be attacked by other wizards at any time, they needed to tell these kids what they were up against and help them prepare before it happened.

Calypso and Percy returned. "Going up!" The son of Poseidon called. The bubble began to rise, slow enough that it didn't scare anyone.

They reached the surface a couple feet from the shore. "You can walk over, it'll hold." Percy promised.

Thalia darted forward onto dry land. Nico followed her quickly.

The rest of the demigods filed off, Percy and Annabeth going last.

They started back to the castle. Headmistress McGonagall met them on the way.

"Headmistress we need to speak with the students once their classes are done." Percy said calmly. The others looked at him in surprise and he shrugged. "We've pulled them from enough classes and will continue to do so as they get better at fighting. They do need to graduate somehow."

Annabeth laughed first, kissing his cheek. "You're amazing."

Percy smiled. "Speaking of, you all need to go back to class."

The laughter turned to groans and he chuckled. Clarisse and Grover snickered along with him.

McGonagall chuckled as well and led them back to the school.


"Nico, I need to talk to Hades." Percy sat down next to the child of the Underworld.

Nico looked up, rubbing his face. "Percy, I can't reach him. I don't know what's going on."

"Well then maybe you can help."

He raised an eyebrow. "What do you need?"

"To talk to some dead people."

Now both of Nico's eyebrows were high on his face. "Why....?"

Percy just shrugged cryptically.

"Okay.... who do you need?"

He handed Nico a list.

Now the boy's eyebrows were practically invisible as they tried to hide in his hair. "Do I want to ask...?"

"Well you'll find out eventually, you've got to be there when I talk to them."

"Fair enough." Nico muttered. "How soon do you need them?"

"As soon as you can get them."

He nodded and stood. "Meet me by Clarisse and Grover's huts in half an hour."

Percy smiled. "Thank you, Nico. Seriously."

Nico nodded again. "Don't be late."


The two demigods stood in the shadows of Clarrise's cabin. Percy had used some water to dig a 6 foot deep trench, and Nico had dumped a bunch of food from the house elves into it.

"I've got to bring them one at a time." He told Percy.

"That's fine. Take your time."

Nico nodded and closed his eyes, beginning to chant in Ancient Greek. Percy leaned against the wall of Clarisse's cabin, letting his own eyes close and relaxing until he was done.

"Percy." The son of Hades finally said quietly.

He opened his eyes and smiled. "Thanks, Nico."

Nico nodded and backed off.

Percy turned to the semi-circle of teenagers in front of him. "Hey guys."

He was bombarded with questions. "Whoa whoa whoa! One at a time!"

"Why are we here?" One of the girls asked, clinging to the hand of boy who stood next to her.

"Percy, what's going on?" The boy asked.

"Yeah, Jackson, what's this about?" Asked one of the other boys.

"You need us for something, don't you?"

Percy nodded in response to that one. "I do."

The boy frowned. "But... we can't help. We're dead."

"And that is something I intend to change briefly."

There were exclamations of surprise and confusion around the group.

"How?" One of them finally asked.

"The same way we became invincible." Percy grinned at Luke, then looked at the rest of the group of kids who died during the two wars. "I'm going to make a deal with Styx and the Fates."

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