Knight in Shining Armor

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"We're not going to get through this!" Annabeth screamed.

"We have to!" Piper yelled back.

The final fight was upon them. Students and demigods alike fought groups of monsters and wizards.

They'd already lost two of the undead wizards. The bodies had dissolved like monsters did. Ginny had cried, but Nico pulled her away from the fight and talked to her for a minute. After that her wand shot brighter sparks and her knife moved faster.

So far the undead demigods were alive. Luke and Ethan tore through ranks of monsters. They fought so similar to Percy that it made Annabeth's chest hurt.

Silena and Charlie seemed to be the dream team. The daughter of Aphrodite would coax monsters and wizards alike to come close, only for them to be absolutely crushed by a huge battle hammer. Annabeth saw them share more than one battlefield kiss.

Gods, she missed Percy.

Lightning charged arrows slammed into the fray over and over, accompanied by plain black ones with distinctive gold fletching. Thalia and Michael were putting in as much work as they could, from opposite sides of the battlefield.

"YAAAAH!" Jason shot up into the air. He pulled his arm back, lightning hitting his hand and forming an absolutely wicked looking spear that he hurled into the crowd of monsters.

A large squash flew past Annabeth's head. She ducked any extra vegetables and turned to Piper, who was holding up her cornucopia.

"We have to regroup!"

She nodded and looked up to her boyfriend. "JASON!"

He looked down at Piper.


The blond nodded and dove into the fray again.

"I'll get Nico and Emmy." Piper nodded to Annabeth before disappearing, her blade carving a way for her through the mess of monster dust and blood.

Annabeth began to backpedal, looking for anyone needing help with their retreat.

She saw a few students struggling to carry their friend away from the battle while defending themselves and him from oncoming attacks.

Shoving through the monsters and using her drakon-bone blade, Annabeth caught up with them. "Go! I'll cover you!"

She felt a feral grin cross her face when the monsters nearest to her shied away.

Many people talked about how monsters were terrified of Percy Jackson. Hardly anyone remembered that Annabeth carried the title of Bane of Monsters as well.

After a few more extractions, Jason did a loop of the monster army. "That's all!" He shouted.

Annabeth and the other demigods who had stayed behind to keep the monsters at bay took off at a sprint.

"NICO! EMMY!" Piper bellowed. "NOW!"

A huge barrier of mixed light and shadow shot up around the castle, in front of the monster. Spells slammed against it, along with blades.

Annabeth stopped, trying to catch her breath. Hazel darted over with a small piece of ambrosia.

"Thanks.... how are our numbers?"

"Couple of student casualties, but none of them are dead." She shifted, ticking things off on her fingers. "Drake is in the infirmary, we think his arm is broken. We lost Fred and Tonks, and a stray monster got ahold of Michael so we've only got Thalia-"

"A formidable archer." Nico walked over. "She's more than capable of doing the work of two archers."

Hazel nodded.

Annabeth took a calming breath. "Alright. Anything else?"

"Headmistress McGonagall took three stunning spells to the chest. I'm starting to think the woman is still alive by sheer willpower alone," Nico shook his head, "because apparently it's not the first time it's happened. She's nearly one hundred."

"She's strong." Annabeth nodded. "What else?"

"Jason accidentally set a section of forest on fire. Leo's putting it out."

"Is he alone?"

Hazel shook her head. "Frank's with him."

"Good." Annabrth rubbed her face. "Lets count casualties and then get back out there. We're sending these monsters to Hades today, no exceptions... except maybe Kronos and Voldemort. We have to do something about them so they can't get out again.

They took a five minute break to make sure the remaining fighters were okay. Thalia spent the entire time worrying at the monster army with her bow, staying out of their sight by moving behind dark patches on the barrier.

"Alright." Annabeth finally said. "Drop the barrier."

Nico and Emmy nodded and waved their hands in unison.

"Charge!" Annabeth screamed.

They'd barely moved before it happened.

The water in the lake rose up into a huge mountain. A figure in a tattered cape stood atop it, sword drawn.

"Percy...." Annabeth breathed.


Kronos appeared at the front of the charge. "Son of Poseidon." He sneered.

The water came rushing for him.

"THIS ONE'S FOR WILL!" Percy leapt forward, slamming into Kronos at the same time the water swept them sideways.

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