Victory Dances Are In Order

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Percy POV

The whole wand and patronus thing took a few days to complete for all the classes. Of course I didn't have any of the classes for the First through Third years cast their patronus, as most of those kids wouldn't be able to form an actual patronus at that age.

Ollivander kindly came in for the other classes while Hermione worked her magic in the class of the special students. Heh, worked her magic, she's a witch...okay, I'll shut up now.

Almost a week later, I stood in front of the class with my friends in it again.

"As we continue on in the semester we will be switching between magical means of protecting oneself and nonmagical. Obviously, we've been going over the way to protect yourself from a dementor, now today we'll be working on something I absolutely suck at. Will?"

The son of Apollo stepped forward. "Today we're going to be doing archery. And I'm going to fix Percy if it's the last thing I ever do."

"Good luck with that, Solace." Nico called.

I glared at Will. "What do you mean, 'fix me'? I'm pretty sure you can't help me with archery."

"I can too, now pick up a bow and shoot."

I rolled my eyes. "Do you want someone to die? Cause that's what will happen."

"Jackson! Shoot!" Will sighed, giving me an 'irritated teacher' look.

"Where'd you learn that look?" I asked. The blond boy just pointed to a row of bows that he must have brought from the shed at Camp.

"Alright, alright..." I picked up one that was darker and nocked an arrow on it. 

"Everyone take cover!" Annabeth shouted. Hermione put up a shield charm.

"Oh come on, he can't be-" TWANG! I fired the bow, cutting a Slytherin off. 

Will and I both ducked out of the way and covered our heads as the arrow went straight up, lodging itself in the vaulted ceiling.

"Never mind." The dark haired boy who had protested muttered.

"Nock another arrow and pull it back, but do NOT release." Will ordered, ignoring the class for the moment. He was definitely in teacher mode.

I rolled my eyes and did so. Will walked around me, his eyes calculating as they flicked along my figure. 

"Here's your first problem." Carefully, he took the arrow off the string and turned it over.

"This is called a funny feather." He tapped the piece that was colored differently. "It's supposed to go away from the bow, otherwise it hits the grip as you let go. Your next problem is your stance."

He kicked my foot softly, moving it back several inches. 

"Straighten your back. Don't hyper-extend your arm here." His fingers tapped the elbow of my arm that was stretched out to hold the bow." He moved next to me.

"Don't hold the string with your entire hand. Use two fingers, one on either side of the arrow."

I fixed my stance as he rattled off problems.

"Good. Re-nock and shoot again."

I did so dubiously. The arrow certainly went the right way, but flew about a dozen feet too high and smashed through a window. I winced.

Will frowned. "Percy, which eye do you close when you aim?"

" right one?" I said, unsure why it was important.

The son of Apollo's bright blue eyes lit up. "That's it!"

He ran over to the bows and picked up a different one. "Try this."

I switched bows and gripped it in my left hand. "This grip is really uncomfortable."

"Switch hands, dummy." Will said with a grin.


"It's a left handed bow. Switch hands."

"Will, I'm right handed."

He rolled his eyes. "Just do it."

I rolled my eyes back, but did as he told me. 

"Shoot again. Remember the funny feather."

Carefully, I nocked another arrow and pulled the string back.

"Try this, take a full breath and let it out before you let go." Will said from beside me.

I did, then released the arrow.

"Oh my gods."

"Seaweed Brain..."

I stared.

The arrow was lodged firmly in the black ring on the target. Sure it was the second color from the outer edge, but hey I HIT A TARGET!

"Dude, what did you do?" I asked Will.

He grinned. "Remember how I used to suck at shooting?" I nodded. "Well Dad came and helped me last month. You had the same problem I did. You're left eye dominant."

"What does that mean?" Ron voiced the question before I could.

"Well, people usually have a specific hand preference. You know, left handed or right handed? The same goes for eyes. Usually your eye dominance is the same as your hand preference, but sometimes, like in mine and Percy's case, it's not the same. We both aim better and straighter if we use what's supposed to be our non-dominant eye to aim rather than our supposed dominent eye. When that happens, you need a bow that matches up with the eye you're using. I shoot with a right handed bow and now Percy knows to shoot with a left handed bow."

Annabeth grinned at me. "Perce, you actually hit the target!"

I pulled her into a hug. "I know!"

"You know, student-teacher relationships are frowned upon in most schools." A dark haired girl said, watching us.

"What's your name?" Annabeth asked coldly.

"Pansy Parkinson. What's it to you, Mudblood?"

"First off, I am a HALF-BLOOD. And there's nothing wrong with being Muggleborn. Second off, Percy and I have been dating since we were 16 and just because he is now a teacher, which is a miracle in itself, does not mean our relationship cannot continue. Furthermore, if you keep eyeing Percy like you have been, and don't think I didn't see you, I will very slowly carve you to pieces with a knife and then feed you to the monsters in the Forbidden Forest." By now she was right in front of Pansy, holding on to her Slytherin tie to keep her where she was. "Got it?"

"What makes you think you can threaten me?" Pansy snapped.

Annabeth whirled the Slytherin girl around and grabbed her ponytail, slicing her dagger through it in one swift motion. 

"Trust me, I know how to weild a knife. And I'm not afraid to use it." She held up the wad of raven colored hair.

Pansy shrieked and ran out of the room, pushing past wide eyed teens.

I laughed. "Really, Wise Girl, that wasn't totally necesarry."

"Maybe not, but it sure felt good."

[A/N This is one of my favorite headcanons that I have made. Percy only shoots like crap because he's using the wrong hand. And yes, eye dominance not being the same as hand dominance is a thing, I actually got MY bow from a guy whose son was left handed but was right eye dominant. It's really interesting what the brain can do to make life interesting XD. Enjoy! oh and Ihrschatz0307 how's that for someone complaining/pointing out Percy and Annabeth's relationship.]

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