Another One Bites The Dust

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Annabeth POV

"Hey, Wise Girl!" I stopped in front of the Great Hall doors and turned to see Percy jogging after me. He still sat with us at meals, despite being a teacher now.

"What's up, Seaweed Brain?"

Percy rolled his eyes. "Snape keeps insisting that I give you detention for attacking one of his students. I told him that if she was in true danger I would have stopped it, but he's being stubborn as always. So you have detention with me in the Forbidden Forest tonight."

I grinned. "Fine by me. See you then, Percy." Pecking his cheek, I re-joined the demigods going to Potions while Percy headed off to teach the first years how to shoot.

"Wonder what Snape has in store for us today." Hermione commented from beside me.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

Nico growled quietly at the mention of our dead potions teacher. Hazel slapped him upside the head and gave him a look that clearly said 'Behave.'

"Why does Nico hate Snape so much? I mean, yeah he's a bloody prat, but still." Ron commented.

"It's got to do with his dad, mostly." Jason said.

"What does that mean?"

"It's not important. If he didn't tell us, he doesn't need to." Hermione broke in.

Ron nodded, looking like he wanted to argue but knowing it would get him nowhere.

"You know, Percy walked out of Snape's class a few times." Harry said, his voice containing a note of uncontrolled loathing. I didn't know who it was directed at though.

"Sound's like him." Piper commented with a laugh.

"We're gonna be late." Drake commented, jogging past.

I rushed my friends towards the door.

Nico was last into the class, entering just as Snape floated through the wall.

"Tardy, di Angelo, ten points from Slytherin." Several people in the class gasped. It had become abundantly clear that the teacher was biased and never took points from his house.

Nico muttered something very unflattering in mixed Ancient Greek and Italian.

Snape raised an eyebrow. "Mr. di Angelo, I will not tolerate swearing in my classroom."

"Judge fairly then."


Nico, who had been stomping to his seat, whirled and pointed at the dead son of Hecate. "No."

"And what are you going to do about it?"

Before any of us could stop him, Nico swarmed forward and got in Snape's face. "Give the points back and remove the detention. You are not going to be prejudiced against me or the Gryffindors anymore Severus."

Snape was rigid, a slight spark of panic in his eyes. It quickly disappeared though. "Are you threatening a teacher?"

"Yes." Nico snarled.

"Well, that makes a second deten-" Snape was cut off when Nico grabbed him by the front of his robes and dragged him down so they were eye to eye.

"Do it or I'll make you." He hissed. I was sure only us demigods heard him.

"T-n Sl-ther-n." Snape choked out after a moment or two.

Nico let go of him and again moved to sit down.

"But detention still stands." Snape said smugly.

The son of Hades whirled and rushed the older man again. His fist made solid contact with the translucent, hooked nose. Snape was knocked backward. Ghost or not, Nico could deal him some damage.

"He shouldn't be able to do that!" Harry hissed from his seat.

Hazel rushed forward and grabbed her half brother's arm before he could advance on the unconscious Potions teacher. "Nico, stop."

He shook her off and grabbed Snape's robes again, dragging him towards the door.

"We're going to go have a talk with the Headmistress. Annabeth, you take over." He ordered before pushing the door open.

The classroom erupted into chaos. I didn't even bother to calm it, choosing to speak with the other demigods. Drake scrambled across the room.

"They're gonna call back Slughorn." Hermione commented in Ancient Greek. "He's a rather irritating teacher, always talks about his favorite students."

Jason quickly translated for the Romans, but most of them already understood. We had been working over the summer on teaching everyone the language they didn't know. Most of the demigods were fluent in both Ancient Greek and Latin now.

"I've got an idea." Drake said quietly.

"Spill it then. We'll tell you if it's good or not." Frank said in Latin. I translated for Leo, who hadn't grasped Latin yet, and Calypso, who hadn't started learning it.

"I think we should have Lily teach."

"Lily Potter?" I asked. He nodded.

"Are you mad?!" Hermione hissed.

"What? She was a, no pun intended, wizard at potions, she could definitely teach a few classes."

"How will Harry respond though?" Hermione brought up one of the main problems.

"Also, even if Nico can get Dad to let Lily out of Elysium, James will want to come with." Hazel said.

"Nico could convince Hades. He hasn't had a problem with Binns, it seems if the ghost has a purpose or the right paperwork they can stay. Lily and James would just be here temporarily." Piper reasoned.

"Hazel, better go tell him before he gets to McGonagall so he knows what to say." I said.

As the daughter of Pluto ran out the door after her half brother, I turned to the class that was in complete disarray.

"Let's sort this out then."

[A/N And there it is! Everyone makes the demigods like Snape, but I'm sure he's got the same attitude to them that he does to the wizards, and he's a jerk anyway. Totally not worth naming a kid after. There are so many names that could have been used. I understand that Rowling wanted Teddy to use Remus for his son's name but what about Fred, Cedric, Rubeus, Arthur, Kingsley, CEDRIC, Alastor, CEDRIC, Neville, even Peter could have been a good one because in the end he couldn't kill James' son. Oh and did I mention CEDRIC!]

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