Blonde and Blond

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Percy, Neville and Hermione never came back to the common room last night. I'm kind of worried. Not about Percy, about Hermione. I mean, she's my girlfriend!

"C'mon, maybe they're at breakfast." Harry put a hand on my arm.

"Yeah, maybe..." I muttered.

Harry dragged me down the hall. People were discussing the weird message thing we got last night everywhere.

"Does anyone actually know who the blond dude was?" Harry asked.

"Does it matter?" A familiar voice asked. I turned.

"Hermione!" I gave her a hug. "Where were you last night?"

She smiled. "We had a bit of a sleepover in the Room of Requirement."

"Who's 'we,' exactly?" I asked.

"Percy, Neville, Luna, Draco and I." She acted like Malfoy had never done anything to anyone.

"Move faster! She'll be here soon!" Three guesses who that was.

"Dude, chill. She's going to get here fine and you can have your fairytale reunion then." Malfoy said teasingly.

"Shut up, Drake!" Percy punched him teasingly, then sat down at the table. Malfoy flipped him a sarcastic salute and headed off to the Slytherin table, talking to Luna as she made her way to her table as well.

McGonagall stood up. "Well, as you know, Percy has some of his friends coming. Due to a housing problem at their school, they are coming faster than was originally planned. Please welcome Annabeth Chase and Jason Grace."

The doors to the hall opened and an unbelievably gorgeous blonde girl walked in, followed by a freakishly handsome blond boy.

The girl was tanned and muscular, but not overly so or anything. She walked confidently through the room, her gaze sweeping over the students. Her hair was curly and her eyes were a striking grey. I stared, and could tell that just about every other guy was too.

Ms. Supermegafoxyawesomehot looked my way and a smile crossed her face.

Aw yeah, she's digging the Ron.

"PERCY!" Said teen leapt to his feet and threw his arms around her as she got close to him.

Maybe not.

"Annabeth! Gods, I missed you!" They pulled out of the hug and into a passionate kiss. My stomach dropped slightly.

"Get a room or keep it PG." Blond Boy commented. Percy pulled away from the kiss long enough to sock him in the shoulder.

"Jeez, Jackson, no need to break bones."

"Ms. Chase, Mr. Grace, will you kindly come up here to be sorted?" McGonagall asked.

Annabeth and the blond guy walked up to the front with Percy.

"Mr. Jackson, please go back to your seat."

"No thanks." The professor blinked in surprise at Percy's straightforward refusal.

"Okay then...Chase, Annabeth." Percy walked up with her, never letting go of her hand. The hat did the same thing as it had with Percy, screaming "GRYFFINDOR, GRYFFINDOR, OH MY GOD, GRYFFINDOR!" The black haired boy grinned and pulled her over to where he had been sitting with us.

"Grace, Jason." The hat actually let itself be placed on the other kid's head, but almost immediately announced, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Jason leapt up and sat next to Percy.

"You may eat now." The Headmistress said calmly. The two new kids looked at Percy, asking a silent question. He whispered a response in Annabeth's ear. She grinned and nodded.

"Ooh, food!" Percy and I shouted at the same time.

"Seaweed Brain." Annabeth said endearingly, ruffling Percy's head as he dug into his food.

I didn't pay much attention to them until after I had eaten quite a bit. Then I grinned at Annabeth. "Hi, I'm Ron." She looked me up and down, then looked over to Hermione.

"This is your boyfriend, Mione?" She asked teasingly.

"Yep. Wonderful right?" Hermione said. I detected a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Hey!" They laughed.

"Oh, Annabeth, you'll never guess what happened!" Percy launched into the story about Trelawney.

Annabeth raised her eyebrow at the end of the story. "Anything else you want to tell me about?"

Percy nodded. "Snape, Luna, Neville, Draco, Hermione, obviously. And then there's last night...."

Annabeth's face had slowly gotten more surprised with each name he listed off. Then she narrowed her eyes. "Last night? Perseus, what exactly does that mean?" She asked in a deadly tone.

"I'll tell you later. Here comes Drake." Sure enough, Malfoy was heading our way. Annabeth leapt to her feet when she saw him.

"Drake!" She gave him a hug.

"Trying to make me jealous? He is your ex, after all." Percy teased.

Malfoy is Annabeth's ex?!

[A/N AAAAAAAND chaos ensues. I'm evil, I know. Enjoy Ronnikins and his stupidity! If you can't figure it out, I've never liked Ron]

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