Chapter 1 | PHASE ONE: The beginning

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• I don't like to use pictures of real people because that just seems a little weird to me, so one of my amazing readers WerewolfVampLover made baseline pictures on a site called Artbreeder and then taught me how to edit them and this is what I came up with •


Welcome to Fire of Redemption!
The chaotic and unpredictable ride that is Dylan and Raiden's journey from forced pain to hopeful love. . . Key word being hopeful😂

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Did you drop your comment? If so, great! If not, that's ok, I'll figure out how to scare your ass regardless!

Now that we got that out of the way, continue on my beauties!

And good luck🫣



I never wanted to be Alpha.

This position, this leadership role, all of this responsibility was supposed to bestowed upon my older brother.

Bennett was supposed to hold the title of 'Alpha of the Black Stone pack,' but here I was sitting in what was supposed to be his office chair, behind what should have been his desk, filing paperwork that should have his signatures on them instead of mine.

My brother was supposed to hold this burden but here I am living in his shadow — in his memory.

The memory of Bennett Aubree Harris — the greatest brother, the greatest man that I've ever known.

I am sitting here, in the Alpha's office on the Alpha's floor of our packhouse instead of my brother because Bennett passed away.

And it's all my fault.

My older brother — my hero died seven years ago, taken from me, from my family, from our pack by the very rogues that have now, after a seven year silence, continued their brutal attacks on my pack.

This is all my fault because I'm the one who told Bennett about the rogue attacks, I'm the one who woke him up that night and told him that our Dad and uncle Jake and the warriors needed help at the borders to hold the rogues off.

I'm the one who sent him out to help them.

I'm the reason that he's gone.

I'm the reason why my brother is no longer here with us and I'm the reason why after seven years, my heart still hasn't healed from the loss of him.

Every week, for the past two months, there has been an attack and every fucking week I have to either bury and mourn a few of my pack members or oversee their crazy expensive medical treatments in the pack hospital.

Today was no different, with the fast approaching funeral arrangements from the most recent rogue attack, King Kano scheduling yet another Alpha meeting, my pack drowning in debt because of the constant funeral and medical expenses due to the rogue attacks and my Beta, Gabe finding his mate after an Omega family put in a transfer request last week to join my pack — it's just been a lot.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now