Chapter 41 | PHASE THREE: Message

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To say that I was panicking was an understatement because while my idiotic brain could try to convince itself that I wasn't going on dates with my mate, I couldn't deny what Raiden and I had done a week ago.

Sure I've seen his dick the first day that we met, sure I felt it grinding against my back when we were laying together, sure I've witnessed his print in all those damned too tight grey sweatpants that he loved to wear, but fuck I've never seen it when. . . I've never done. . . that.

I was scared at first — no fucking terrified would be a better description for what I felt that night. To be so fucking caught up in my rut that I almost came underneath my mate — that I almost came as an Alpha male while being belly up for my mate.

It was all too much. Too damn much and my ass was clenched so tight, I thought I would never be able to shit again once I snapped my dumbass out of it and realized what was actually happening.

I didn't want my rut to force me into something I wasn't ready for because who am I kidding, sex is going to happen eventually and I physically can't stomach thinking about the fact that I would be the one taking it.

The betrayal of my body these past few months has been sickening. I mean Goddess almighty, fucking shitbags and jigglydingles, my body was one more inhale of Raiden's stupid ass scent away from allowing my mate to just fuck me senseless and that was not happening.

Abso-fucking-lutely not!

I'm not getting fucked senseless — I'm not about to be pushed up against a wall and fucked into the next week or pounded into a mattress or. . . fucked on top of my office desk. . . or choked. . . or kissed breathless or both at the same time. . . or lifted up in the shower while the water beats down on my mate's back, that long shiny black hair glistening under the water, stuck to his shoulders and his chest and his back and those eyes. . . Those fucking eyes. . . locked onto mine, holding my gaze, giving me the kind of undivided attention that I've never had before as he bites his lip and then tells me how good I am for him. . .

Aw fucking shit. . . Damn it to all the Realms.

Groaning as loud as I could, I try to shake away those damned thoughts as I finish washing my hands, splashing some cold water on my face to get myself together and then finally leaving the bathroom.

I was supposed to be out front of the Conference building where I was supposed to be hosting a pack meeting with Gabe and Hunter, but that was easier said than done when I was literally fucking panicking about jacking off twice with my mate. . .

Goddess help me.

Leaving the bathroom, I make my way through the conference building. Slowly taking my time to get my head together as I look at all of the pictures of the previous Alphas in my family hanging on the walls of the hallway and then coming out into the large conference room, I do my best to walk around the long table without bumping into any chairs because my balance had been thrown off while thinking of my mate as well.

When I finally reach the double doors that led outside, I open them and my entire pack was standing there as far as the eye could see, waiting for instructions for the week.

Seeing Gabe, Hunter, my parents, uncle Jake and Aunty Sophie sitting on the raised platform, I walk over and step up in order to project my voice to all 407 members of my pack.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now