Chapter 31 | PHASE TWO: Conversation

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After rereading the last two chapters, conversing with a lot of you beautiful people and pulling myself out of Raiden's character, I realized that we all hated the way that he was starting to become.

So I revisited the kindness of his character a little bit in this chapter and I hope you all can enjoy this edited version of our favorite dominant feline.



"You want to leave me, Raiden?" Dax questions, crouching down to my level as he grabs hold of my chin and forces my deadened gaze to his. "One of my guards says that you're not happy in your home, is that true?"

I don't even know how long it's been since this man took me from my solitary journey. I don't know what time it is, what day it is, when my next meal would come, but I do know three things. . . My name is Raiden Emeric Silas, I'm nineteen years old and I'm terrified of the man in front of me.

I've learned long ago that trying to escape was an easy way to find myself chains to the wall in the dungeon room and beaten into submission or an easy way to find myself in the Lab, strapped to a table and painfully experimented on.

I've learned long ago that defying Dax Kyles or crying out for help or fighting back was an easy way to find myself thrown in the dungeon room without food or water for weeks.

I've learned long ago that disagreeing with Dax Kyles was an easy way to find myself in the arms of this man. . . so it was just easier not to feel, not to think, not to be present and allow whatever he wanted to do to me, to listen to directions and follow instructions, to agree with whatever he asked of me.

"No, sir," I finally answer, finding my voice despite the fact that I felt dead inside. "I'm very happy in my new home, with you, here in the Lab," I nod, trying to convince him. "I'm happy."

Dax smiles as he strokes my cheek. "Good, I'm so very happy to hear that, Raiden because you are very special to me and I would hate for you to feel uncomfortable here."

I force a smile back, I could feel it was a wobbly one but it was a smile none the less and Dax liked smiles.

"I'm going to have Xandar bring you some food my love," Dax whispers lovingly and despite my smile on the outside, I was dying on the inside. "I need you at your best for our mission tomorrow, I have my eye on a sweet little Succubus by the name of Seizra."

Missions were some of the worst forms of control that Dax had on his prisoners. He would force us to go out with him and his guards to capture other mythical creatures for either his own personal collection or for the experimentations in the Lab to genetically engineer "perfect killing machines."

It was during these missions that I wished I could escape but Dax had such a mental hold on me that just the thought of escaping terrified me to no end. I was never in chains but his control over me was deeper than physical. . . Dax had control of my mind.

I could never imagine escaping this man and even if one day I ever gained the courage to do so, Dax would probably always have a hold on me because like Dax likes to say "all chains aren't physical."


Trauma. . . it's a scary thing, a very scary thing.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now