Chapter 84 | PHASE FIVE: Trauma bonding pt. 2

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The rewrite will be 100 chapters, so we only have 16 more to go!! Next chapter is the beginning of the War that will last for many years to come and expand across many Realms and creatures, so get ready for the fight of your lives.

Also my Dark Realm series will consist of the 5 Covens and the War and drama between them.

If you want more info on my newer series or would like to read bonus content for all of our favorite characters, new characters and all of my publishing updates for Kindle and paperback, head on over to Ream — LINK IN MY BIO ❤️



To my surprise, Terror hadn't come back down to the cells to harm me or Seizra, he'd actually come down with Theron and Craven - with bowls full of fruit in hand.

My lip turns up in disgust, knowing this was Dax's way of apologizing to us. The man hated feeding his pets heavy meals after a beating, so his go to was always fruit because he said it replenished our energy and wouldn't allow our bodies to succumb to hunger.

Watermelon was his go to choice for Seizra and I - something he knew we both hated but it was food and in a time when starvation was looming, we would eat anything.

When Terror tosses our bowls inside and then slams the door to my cell shut, I grab my bowl and hand Seizra hers.

Watching as Terror, Craven and Theron make their way to the other cells full of creatures, they set the bowls of fruit down inside and then find their way out of the hallway.

My eyes immediately find the man maybe two cells diagonally across from ours who didn't receive any fruit.

He was alone, chained to the wall and something that resembled Acid Glass hovered around his body, clearly controlled by Varexium magic and barely gracing the tips of his flesh. With one wrong move, he'd be affected by the chemical.

I couldn't figure out why Dax was torturing him with it, but I was also in no position to ask questions about it.

It's not like the man could answer anyways. His mouth was bound shut with a piece of fabric that I couldn't quite make out from where I was.

So I send a prayer up to the Sun God for him and turn my attention back to Seizra.

"This brings back memories," She comments as she brings a piece of watermelon up to her mouth. "Is it wrong to have missed doing this with you?"

Shaking my head, I grab a piece of fruit and take a bite, savoring the taste before replying, "No, beautiful. It's not wrong for missing this. To be honest, I haven't eaten watermelon for the past two years because the only memories I had were with you and if I couldn't eat it with you, than I didn't want it with anyone."

Seizra's lavender gaze finds mine. "Not even with your blessing?"

I don't answer that. It wasn't that I thought Dylan was less important than Seizra or that I couldn't make wonderful memories with him. It was that watermelon to me, held a different meaning. A different memory.

For me, it meant Seizra and as much as I couldn't taint my memories of Dylan with Seizra. . . I didn't want to taint my memories of Seizra with Dylan.

They're two different people and have two different meanings in my life. Seizra held memories and moments in my life that Dylan could never hold while Dylan held memories and moments that Seizra could never be apart of.

It's ok to love more than one person and it's ok for those people to mean different things to your heart.

For awhile, Seizra snuggles up against my side and holds a conversation with me.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now