Chapter 9 | PHASE ONE: Capture & Betrayal

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My eyes widen as I study my mate, his fear continuing to permeate the air as his eyes nervously dart around the area.

He'd told me to run — to get out of here, yet he wasn't running, he was making no effort whatsoever to escape.

A twig snapping breaks my focus on my Dylan's unshed tears as I look in the direction of the sound. The bushes shaking, the forest had grown quiet as the wolves close in.

Raising my nose, I sniff the air again — the scents of the wolves somehow smelled like Dylan, an oddity I couldn't quite place for some time before it dawns on me.

These weren't rogue wolves — these were his pack wolves.

That realization seemed to slap me back to reality as I take a few steps back, my body colliding with the tree behind me.

Their scents surrounding the area were nauseating, canines smelled Goddess awful and I wanted to escape, but I couldn't.

I couldn't — not with this many surrounding me.

"No," Dylan whispers, his voice catching my attention as I look back at him to see his eyes had glazed over for a second time. "No, fuck!"

His profanities throwing me off a bit before I see three wolves — fully shifted, come out of the bushes behind him.

Barreling straight towards me.

Dylan set me up.

The moment that his eyes glaze over for the last time, I feel Onyx force the shift but before he could complete it — I'm tackled, my body colliding with the ground as the weight of more than one wolf falls on top of me.

With ease, I threw them off of me one by one and scrambled to my feet. Throwing punch after punch, dropping the fuckers like flies before trying to run towards the tree I knew held my safety.

Once I grabbed hold of the trunk, I sunk my claws in and started climbing as fast as I could, but my victory was short lived as I felt someone grab my ankle, my feet swinging out from under me and I collide with the earth below me. Hard.

My head hitting one of the stones below me, causing a type of pain to course through me that I haven't experienced in a long time — I was seeing stars for a few seconds at the sudden impact before my vision slowly fades back in.

Onyx let out a thunderous roar within me that made it's way out of my mouth. The surrounding wolves stumbled back as my aura forced them to submit to my will.

My father didn't raise me to back down from a fight, he taught me to fight as viciously as he would and protect myself as hard as he would protect his pride, he didn't teach me to be in his image for nothing.

The wolves just kept fucking coming though, what the fuck did Dylan think I was going to do? Kill him? Why did he bring this much back up? For a few rogue kills?

Calling on my shift, Onyx rushes forward with me, his attempt to grab hold of the reigns failing once again as I feel something sharp hit my back.

The pain of something unfamiliar to me, takes over as my movements slow, my vision fading in and out as everything me slowly starts to become blurry.

Then I'm knocked to the ground, one by one, the wolves attacking me, Onyx nowhere to be found as they jump on me, clawing, ripping, biting, tearing.

The sheer pain of it all forced me to my hands and knees as my body had become weaker than I'd ever imagined.

Everything about this moment forcing the memories of my time held captive in the Lab and I scream for Reland — praying to the sun God that he could hear me.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now