Chapter 7 | PHASE ONE: Control

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"What is it, son?" Dad asks, placing the phone back down on the receiver.

I lick my lips, anxiously trying to put together the words that I needed to get out. "Gabe suggested that we capture the Leopard and put him inside the cells for his crime."

"Ok." Dad nods. "That seems like a great plan to me, felines are a huge fucking problem and they always have been, so if this one has been causing such tremendous problems for our pack than we need to do something about it."

"Right," I sigh, nodding my head as I slowly walk further into his office, taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. "But I wanted to talk to you about all of this before we actually did anything because I don't agree with the whole cell thing."

"Why is that?" Dad asks, now leaning forward, his forearms resting atop his desk, gaze hardened, studying me — judging me.

"Take things slow, Dylan, your anxiety is starting to affect me too, just tell him that Raiden is our mate and hope for the best." — Maddox suggest and I mentally scowl at me.

That's not the smartest idea at all.

Sighing heavily, I run a hand down my face. "The Leopard is," I pause, searching for the right word to not piss him off because I knew how he felt about felines. "Special and I don't think we should capture him for some shit we don't even know if he did."

Based off my Dad's reaction to my last statement, I knew that I fucked this shit up and any hopes of continuing this conversation — pleasantly — had just gone right out the fucking window.

"Dylan," He growls quietly as he leans forward, his forearms resting on top of his desk. "Have I not explained to you that Gabe, your uncle Jake and I are your advisors?"

I nod once — remembering what he's told me. Everytime that I needed advice, I was supposed to go to him, uncle Jake or Gabe, listen to what they advised me to do and then execute their plan but I just didn't agree with the shit this time.

"Yes, you did." I reply with a nod.

Dad then shakes his head as if he didn't believe that I believed what I just said. "And your advisors would not steer you down the wrong path, would you agree?"

I nod again. "Yes, I agree, but this time-"

"And this time is no different," He interrupts. "I've worked hard to make this pack as strong as it is today and that's due to having a strong leader who's willing to be selfish for the greater good of his pack, I've handed my life down to you in hopes that you would continue to lead this pack towards the future. Did I make the wrong decision?"

Maddox growls as he slowly pushes forward with me, feeling him right underneath my skin was never a good sign as he didn't like my Dad — he never has and would never tell me why.

The most that I've ever gotten out of the big bastard was something about him handling things that I couldn't and that some things are better left unsaid.

Swallowing nervously, not really knowing how to answer my Dad's question and hone in Maddox's rage at the same time — I release a heavy exhale.

I definitely wasn't going to tell my Dad that he's made the wrong decision — standing up to the man in front of me has never been an easy thing to fucking do. He may not be the Alpha of the pack anymore but he's still an Alpha nonetheless and his aura still haunts me.

So instead of pushing my luck, I decide to disagree with him. "No, you made the right decision. You passed the title down to me for a reason and I think I've done a pretty good job these past three years."

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora