Chapter 32 | PHASE TWO: Laws

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Raiden and I had a breakthrough. . . a really good one that even the most negative man couldn't complain about.

Which would be me. . . I'm that negative man who couldn't complain about the breakthrough I had with my mate.

He wasn't completely honest with me with everything due to whatever he was hiding in his past, but to be fair, I didn't tell him everything either because we don't really trust each other yet.

"Which is ok." — Maddox adds.

Yeah. . . It was ok because hopefully that will come with time and giving away all of my fears and trusting him with all of that shit wasn't something that I was ready for just yet, but everything else that we talked about a few days ago seemed to ease the tension a little bit between us.

Swiping my thumb over my phone screen as my other hand rubs the bandage still very much covering my neck wound, I couldn't stop the stupid ass smile that crept onto my face as I reread Raiden's text message for like the tenth time.

Goodmorning Dylan, I hope you slept well. I just want to let you know that after speaking to Onyx, I'm trying my hardest to push my resentment towards you to the side and give our bond a chance, so with that being said, I look forward to seeing you this weekend and I will try to keep a positive attitude going forward when it comes to things involving the two of us. Thank you for being so open with me.

Raiden had texted me first this morning just like he had every other morning and night for the past three days since our breakthrough when I was in the pack hospital.

To be completely honest, I didn't think I'd get to this point with him this quick, but from what I've observed, that Leopard was a determined fucker and he sure enough kept his word with everything that he's said since I've met him.

After feeling so broken and numb and just wanting to end it all. . . Raiden had come to save me and even though he was a dick about it at first, he eventually allowed me to talk to him and get some of the truth out.

Raiden listened and he understood, he actually allowed me to get what I needed to say out, he didn't interrupt me, I didn't feel judged or intimidated or pressured to be this perfect version of whatever he thought I should be. . . I was just able to be myself and actually speak about what was bothering me and answer his questions truthfully.

For the first time since Bennett died, I felt heard, I felt seen. . . That damn Leopard had subconsciously made me feel things that I didn't think were normal, things that definitely were a little weird to feel towards another man, but I didn't try to fight the shit because it felt so fucking good just to be heard.

I've spent so much time just being a puppet under my Dad's control, listening to him, uncle Jake, Gabe and Hunter about what I should do to be the best Alpha to my pack, that I forgot what my own opinions sounded like — until three days ago, when I let some of the crap that I'd been holding onto, out and that shit felt so fucking good.

Swiping my thumb over my phone screen one more time, I decide to finally reply to Raiden's message with one of my own.

Good morning Raiden, I slept pretty good considering the whole neck thing going on, I hope you got some sleep too and thank you for giving whatever we have going on between us a chance. I'll see you this weekend.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now