Chapter 77 | PHASE FIVE: Dark Realm

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It'd taken an entire day between Dax teleporting us away from the Shadow pack and placing my weakened body into a car off the side of the road in some deserted town that apparently had been waiting for us.

The trek was exhausting but because Dax kept me under the control of his magic, I really wasn't able to move much, so he either had to carry me or drag me everywhere.

He mentioned not being able to use his magic as much as he wanted to because by now the magical Council would be looking for him and he couldn't chance giving away our location by using his power.

By the time we got to the car, I was tired and hungry and extremely thirsty but Dax hadn't offered me anything the entire time we'd been traveling.

Once placed in the backseat, I immediately recognized the man in the front seat as one of his companions from the Dark Realm, a Dark Elf named Gregoire who participated regularly in what Dax liked to call the tradings.

"Dark King," Gregoire bows his head respectfully once Dax slides into the front seat after closing the back door where he'd placed me. "It should take us approximately eight hours from here to the portal that's been left open."

Dax nods. "Which region of Obsession is the portal leading to?"

"Nereus," Gregoire answers as he starts the car and pulls away from the side of the road, beginning our eight hour journey.

"Your Region," Dax nods again, this time seeming pleased with what was spoken. "That's good, real good. You'll be rewarded for this, my friend."

Gregoire smiles softly as he bows his head again. "Thank you, Dark King."

It had to have taken us at least a few hours to drive through the mountainous terrain, fear seeping through me as we drove onto a darkened road with no street lights and the ice cold feeling of the area, caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand.

There was a sign that appeared out of nowhere on the right side of the road that read 'WELCOME TO THE REGION OF NEREUS'

I didn't really know what to make of that because I couldn't see the region from here. There were no buildings, no lights, no noise, just darkness.

Then as if on cue, some kind of portal opened up in front of us, maybe about ten feet or so away from the car as Gregoire continued to drive down the blackened road.

He drove straight through the portal and I heard a whirring sound behind us, not able to look because of how weak my body was, I just sigh heavily as I feel my heart rate pick up.

My eyes widen when I finally see what was through the portal.

The Region of Nereus. I'd never been to this region as I've always stayed in the Region of Layvok which is where Dax's kingdom was, so this was new to me.

My body begins to tremble as I look around the Realm that I'd escaped so many years ago. It wasn't bright or lively like my home Realm or Hareth city, no this was chilling.

There were eerie castles instead of regular buildings, the streets were as dark as the purple and black covered sky, except for the lanterns that hovered through air and lit the area.

A dark green lake with tindrels of black and red smaller streams flow underneath the bridge that we drove over.

There were creatures that I recognized and some I didn't, having never seen this Region. Some of them had wings, some had tails, some had both and majority of them looked deformed walking through the streets. Their pitch black or yellow eyes watching the car drive by.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن