Chapter 56 | PHASE THREE: Shock

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Bennett is alive.

He's right here, standing in front of me, he's alive.

Taj's arms are wrapped around him to help balance him on his good leg, I'm assuming because he's limping on the other one and his eye... his left eye is completely white with the deepest scar starting above his eyebrow, going across his eyelid and stopping below his left ear..

Bennett looked older, so much older. How old is he now? If I'm twenty three, then that would make him twenty six, but he died seven years ago.

He's supposed to be dead! Dad said he felt his tether snap, he said he knew my brother was dead. Dad said the rogues attacked him, they fell in the river and Bennett died.

But he didn't.. He's right here.. Was Dad wrong? Did he actually feel Bennett's tether snap? Did the rogues actually attack my brother?

That had to be true, he looks awful. Well not muscle wise or height wise, he looks amazing, he is a true Alpha, but as far as health goes, he looks awful.

And why is Taj holding onto him like that? Gabe told me not to worry.. Did he know that my brother was alive this whole time?

What happened to him?

"B-Bennett?" I whisper again, out of sheer disbelief.

I didn't want to believe that he was standing in front of me. I didn't want to believe that he's been alive this whole time.

"It's me Dylan," Bennett whispers back, his voice so calm, so sure, so familiar. "I promise I'm right here, you're safe, little brother."

When I hear him say that, a whimper escapes me as I rush across the room and slam my body into his. He stumbles backwards until his back hits the wall behind him and lets out a groan at our sudden impact.

I didn't mean to hurt him but I couldn't stop myself even if I tried. I couldn't be calm about this anymore because my big brother was alive, my brother is right here, in my arms, Bennett is alive!

"Careful little brother," He chuckles, gently rubbing my back. "I'm not as solid as I used to be."

Not caring, I cry out so heavily into my brother's shoulder. Bennett was right here in my arms and he was alive.

The man I've looked up to my whole childhood, the man I loved more than anyone else on this planet, besides my Raiden.

The man I would have given anything to just spend a few more hours with him before he left me. To just get another hug before he left me.

I couldn't believe that he was right here, holding me too, rubbing my back and laughing while I cried like a big ass baby. My brother is right here and he's alive.

"Dylan, I can't breathe." Bennett whispers, despite his discomfort, he laughs when I tighten my grip around him.

Besides Raiden telling me that he loved me, my brother's laugh was the best thing that I've heard in seven fucking years.

Nodding against his shoulder, I slowly pull away. Gazing into my brother's familiar blue eyes, my legs felt like they would give out any second, but Bennett just like he always did, supported my weight by holding me up when I needed him.

"I love you, Bennett." I whisper through my tears as I hold his gaze. "I love you so much."

I tell my brother the words that I didn't get to tell him that night he left us and I mean every single word. I felt such a tremendous weight lift off my shoulders being able to finally tell my brother just how much he meant to me because I didn't get to tell him back then.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora