Chapter 3 | PHASE ONE: Blessing

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I hadn't intended to find my blessing during a time where I was still finding myself, but the Gods and Goddesses obviously had a plan for my life and my little Alpha wolf was apart of that.

To think that my Leopard, Onyx and I were only in the area because we were still searching for the new location of N.E.U.R.O — the underground lab that we were used and abused in for five years before escaping, searching for the damn place to burn the fucking thing to the ground after rescuing the one creature that held so much of my heart.

One of the best women that I've ever known.

The only friend that I had in the labs, the only creature that kept me company, that kept me warm on the cold dungeon floor, that endured it all with me as we were always partners in their test subjects.

A beautiful Succubus named Seizra.

I was only eighteen at the time that I was captured and held for the next five years, enduring the torture and abuse that came with being a victims to N.E.U.R.O.

I was young and I was scared, I thought that I would never see my family again. The abuse that I endured during my time held captive was something that I never wanted to look back on.

I felt alone — all alone until they put me in the cages with Seizra.

She kept me sane and in turn I did the same for her, I helped her in anyway that she needed, in anyway that we needed to stay alive.

And apart of that was to help her sexually as she was a Succubus and she needed to feed on sexual energy.

There was nobody else around and I didn't know what to do or how to help her with exactly what she needed. The humans that worked there wouldn't help her and one day she started to wither away, her strength dwindling, her energy plummeting as she laid still in my arms.

I screamed for help but it never came, I cried, I begged for her not to leave me as I rocked our bodies back and forth.

I didn't want to lose her but I was losing her.

She was all I had — I thought that I would never see my family again and Seizra had become my family.

I was young and gay and I didn't know what to do but I offered to help her — to do anything that she needed to just stay alive.

So I did it — we did it.

I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and forced myself to have sex with her.

And then Seizra started to regain her strength, her eyes glowed again, her skin shined again, her smile came back to life.

And my soul came back to life when I saw that she was growing healthier all because of what I offered her.

So we continued to do it — it was weird at first because I'm not attracted to women but I loved Seizra because we shared an experience and we had become everything to each other, so I forced my body to do what I had to do for her.

Those next few months were some of the best of my life as we became closer — more connected, but then the day came that Dax Kyles, the owner of N.E.U.R.O. wanted me to accompany some of his humans on another mission to capture even more beings to create what he wanted.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now