Chapter 52 | PHASE THREE: Think

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I swear this man would be the death of me, he's so fucking stubborn, it's ridiculous.

"I-I have to talk about it." Raiden rasps out.

"No, not right now baby," I growl back for the millionth time. "You need to rest. Kyle said you can't talk this much."

"P-pups," He tries again, but I place a hand over his mouth that he quickly licks and I pull it away because fucking ew. "I h-have to tell y-you."

Groaning at his persistence, I roll my eyes. This man of mine has been trying for two days now, to tell me about what happened that night in the forest, but Kyle said he shouldn't be talking this much, that his throat needs to heal.

But of course he refuses to listen. Getting Raiden to listen to medical advice was as hard as watching someone else drink my damn apple juice.

"You're not going to stop fighting me until I listen, are you?" I ask and when he shakes his head, I sigh. "Fine, I'll listen, but take it slow ok."

Raiden nods to my terms, so I allow myself to sink into my chair next to his hospital bed and listen to what he had to say.

"I followed T-Taj that n-night." He starts before carefully adjusting his upper body. "I g-got lost and e-eventually got to t-the eastern s-side of the b-border.. I-I saw a man p-pulling a dead w-wolf through t-the gate, I thought it w-was Taj, so I w-walked up to him, b-but then somebody s-stabbed me from behind and s-said now you'll know real pain."

I frown hearing that. . . So there were two men there that night?

"I-I fell af-after I w-was stabbed," Raiden continues, taking it slow like I asked. "t-then the men t-turned my body over and t-they were con-confused who I w-was-"

"Wait what?" I didn't mean to interrupt him, but that caught me off guard. "They didn't know who you were after stabbing you?" I ask, just to clarify and when Raiden hums, I scoff. "That's some creepy shit."

Raiden nods. "Y-yes pups, t-they were con-confused. I-I couldn't r-really see their f-faces, but t-they were sc-scared. One asked m-my name and w-was panicking w-when I told him. H-he told the other one t-to call f-for help because h-he said I wasn't the intended t-target."

So Dad and uncle Jake really didn't have anything to do with the attack on my mate. According to Raiden, there were two other men there and they attacked my mate, but were scared because they attacked the wrong man?

None of this shit makes sense.

"Th-they said t-to tell my current Alpha," Raiden says, pausing when my head snaps towards him, waiting on bated breath for his next words. "They said t-that they are c-coming for you sooner t-than you th-think."


I'm the current Alpha, so I am the target, but what does that mean? They're coming sooner than I think? When are they coming for me? What the fuck do they want? Who have I pissed off this much?!

"P-pups," Hearing my nickname, I look back at Raiden. "b-before I p-passed out, I h-heard someone c-call my name.... W-was that you?" He asks, but I didn't have a clear answer for that.

I did call his name when we found him, but he was already passed out and minutes away from death when we showed up. So there's no way that he could have heard me.

"Baby," I say softly, grabbing his hand. "when I showed up, you were already passed out. There was so much blood and you were so cold, I don't think it was me that you heard."

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat