Chapter 42 | PHASE THREE: Reports

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It's been five days since that horrifying message was quite literally left on my doorstep and with the body of the wolf having shifted back to it's human form, his head still severed from his shoulders, there was no way to identify him and I was no closer to solving what happened.

When I was in a panic-stricken state, rooted to the same spot that day, Raiden being the awesome mate that he is, grabbed my hand and led me back into the packhouse, then put me to bed in my room.

And he stayed with me the entire night, cuddling my trembling body tight against his and whispering sweet things in my ear that had our bond going haywire.

The next morning when my mind wasn't so jumbled, I started making the tough decisions that any Alpha would to protect their pack.

My first course of action was setting a mandatory curfew for everyone's safety. Announcing through the pack link, that anyone caught out past 8pm would be punished.

The next thing I needed to go was through all of my pack files, taking attendance in a sense. I had to call another pack meeting and announce that everyone was to basically answer to their name when called, which resulted in everyone being present including all of the new pack transfers.

After the new motions had been set forth, I focused my attention onto the message that was clearly sent for me.


I was trying so hard to rack my brain on who I could have possibly taken everything from. I didn't have many enemies, if any. We were a peaceful pack, we didn't even participate in the war against the rogues or the covens when King Kano called for all his packs to assist.

However, this was the tenth thousandth time since meeting Raiden, that I didn't think him killing rogues had actually caused issues for my pack because this time was completely different, this time was meant for me.

That thought had all of my wheels turning.

Getting up from my desk, I walked over to my pack report files. After grabbing every single report from the past two months, I walk back to my desk and start going over them again.

Raiden said he killed the rogues because they attacked him first, which sounds completely believable. Rogues are vicious, blood thirsty assholes and my mate clearly wouldn't harm a fly unless he felt vulnerable in some way.

Back then, Dad said there was a Leopard roaming around our borders for a month, but that the Leopard had only been spotted three times.

Which didn't make sense to me now because Raiden said he only allowed Onyx to spend time in his form for two weeks out of the month and the day we met, he said he had only been in Onyx's form for about a week up until that point.

Raiden also said that he only went to the waterfall in the mornings and then they moved along.

Looking at the times the reports came in, my warriors spotted a black leopard at 12:27pm, 3:15pm and 7:27pm on three seperate occasions all within the same month, but days apart.

That means Raiden couldn't have been the Leopard that was spotted, if it even was a Leopard that my warriors had seen.

The only information of the appearance of the Leopard that was spotted was that he was black in color, was spotted once on the ground and twice in the trees around our borders, but shit they could have seen a solitary bear shifter or something and the only indication in the reports that it could have been a Leopard that killed the rogues was because the bodies were found in trees.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now