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💋 Every story is not for everyone.

This I am fully aware of — there are stories on here that literally have millions upon millions of views that I have read and I didn't like at all or dropped the book after only reading a few chapters.

That being said — I know this book will have readers that may love it, hate it or be somewhere in between and that's completely ok!

So don't feel obligated to read it based on views alone or feel obligated to comment why you didn't like it, I know some may not and again — that's ok! 🥰


O N T O  |  T H E  |  S T O R Y  |  P O I N T S

POINT ONE — This is NOT your typical fantasy lovestory where mates find each other and instantly fall in love or move in together immediately or instantly have sex with each other just because there's a bond between them👏🏾🤗🤭

— There WILL NOT be smut scenes immediately into the story🤪😁

Fair warning... my smut is VERY DETAILED
Any chapter titled TAKEN or has this emoji next to it is a smut chapter 🥵

— During the smutty scenes, there may be things that happen that you think may be out of character for one or both of our boys but let me just say that as a Bisexual woman, it is extremely offensive for others to look at a relationship and assume who is the top or bottom based off what they see because looks and personalities can be deceiving.

💋 To everyone that has dealt with judgement or has dealt with someone asking you who is the top or bottom in your relationship — which is none of their damn business anyways. . . You are beautiful and so are your sexual preferences. The things that you prefer in the bedroom are your choice, so DO NOT feel bad about that😍

💋 So judging the characters sexual preferences is a big NO, NO besties! This is a good way to get me to get me to fight you — no I'm just kidding, I hate confrontation but I will fight a b*tch if need be😂😂

POINT TWO — You WILL NOT get all of your questions or all of the unknown information answered in this book. That is why there's a series of books that follows this one😜😜😜

💋 Book #2 is titled Fire of a Hidden Root and that book will contain the all of answers to questions or unknown information that have been given throughout this book.

💋 Book #3 is titled Fire of an Ignited Flame and that book will contain characters backstories and events leading up to this book take place

💋 Book #4 is titled Fire through the Trauma and that book will follow the story of two characters that you will meet in this book and their struggle love story after the events of Fire of Redemption.

POINT THREE — If any of the characters in this story happen to NOT be attracted to the SAME SEX or the OPPOSITE SEX, then there will be a realistic reaction to being mated to the same sex or opposite sex👏🏾🫣🫣

— It DOES NOT make the characters dumb or ridiculous to feel nervous about the fact that they are mated to the same gender or opposite preferred gender 😂😂 it makes their reactions realistic 😂

POINT FOUR — The main characters in this story are extremely FLAWED due to life experiences or past trauma.

RAIDEN - is a loveable, sweetheart black leopard shifter that wears his heart on his sleeve, is more put together but has a very mean streak in his body if pushed past his limit.

DYLAN - is a chaotic, blubbering, traumatized, damaged mess of an Alpha wolf that you will either
hate to love or love to hate. He is not perfect by any means, he curses ALOT and lashes out due to his inability to lead the way that he wants to.

— There will be moments where you think one or both main characters are crazy or shouldn't be in their positions, but that was my intent.

So I aimed to make Dylan and Raiden as realistic as possible. While yes they are not completely human, they still have human qualities, reactions and feelings.

POINT FIVE — Try to remember that the main characters in this book are different species so the way they value things, see things or speak about certain things will be completely different 🥰


Fire of Redemption is a story that will have you throwing your phone across the room, licking walls and walking on your knuckles because you will be that pissed off, but it will also have you laughing, swooning, crying and jumping for joy 😫😂😍🫣


C O N T I N U E ||

Are you ready to dive into a relationship that has flawed characters, toxicity and some pretty realistic expectations?

Are you ready to love Raiden but also prepared to slap the shit out of him if he doesn't react to things in the way that you think he should?😫

Are you ready to hate Dylan but also appreciate his character development?

Are you also ready to throw your phone, lick walls and walk on your knuckles over some of the things that he does?👊🏾

Are you ready to enjoy a story with a confused character? A toxic character? An Alpha who will make you go what the fuck or I just want to kick his ass?

Are you ready to indulge in some drama? Some straight man turned gay love? Some fear inducing, shocked feeling, heart pounding, wtf moments?

If your answers are yes to the questions above,
then I am pleased to welcome you on the chaotic ride
that is Redemption😜

Happy reading and I'll see you all in the comments!


Also here's one of my favorite quotes that I have added my own little spin to! 👇🏾

This book is not an airport or a job you plan on leaving, ain't no need to announce your departure or type up your resignation letter.

If you don't like the book, than just simply
leave honnay 😂😜


Don't forget to shake a whole lotta ass to make
a whole lotta cash!👏🏾😂


Byeeeeeee Bestiesssssss!!

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now