Chapter 37 | PHASE THREE: Affection

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After the events of last night, I was beyond grateful that Dylan had chosen to stay with me for another day instead of going back to his pack. He mentioned something about his Beta and Gamma being able to handle things for another day and while I didn't completely understand all that he tried to explain about pack life, I was grateful nonetheless.

Dylan has been trying to accept our bond, I've seen it, his willingness hasn't gone unnoticed. He's allowed me to hold his hand today while cuddling in bed, he's allowed me to be affectionate towards him in a way that he's comfortable with and I've appreciated that so very much.

I know firsthand how hard it is to accept what fate gives you when you were expecting something completely different, but Dylan is trying.

This little sweet bundle of chaos has been trying so hard and I don't know if that's because of our compromise or because of the overwhelming guilt that he's been feeling for his actions, but whatever the case is, I'm thankful for it.

After my shower, I urged Dylan to come back to bed with me which he didn't without much reason and he opened up even more about his relationship with his older brother, Bennett.

The level of emotion that I've witnessed during the divine way that he'd spoken about Bennett had to be the same way that others spoke of my love for Rome and Reland.

I could almost feel how much he loved his brother, how much it hurt when his pack lost him, how much it hurt when Dylan lost him.

Everything he told me gave me a new outlook on why he was so quick to put me in those cells and why he looked so confused everytime that I laid eyes on him.

The fact that Dylan didn't want to put me in that cell, peaked my interest for the man that now lay in my arms so carelessly. My mate was such a complex man that I'd taken joy in getting to pick apart.

Despite this angry, tough guy persona he so often displayed, this man's inside didn't match his outside and his heart didn't match his eyes.

I was slowly starting to notice the beauty that is his heart and how obvious it was that it was going to take some time before he was open enough with himself to feel freely and without pause.

Dylan struggles with his emotions, that much is clear and there's something behind his eyes that I can't quite place yet that radiates his need to be accepted and no matter how much I wanted to smother him with kisses and cuddles, I would never cross any boundaries that he's not ready for because consent is beautiful and he hasn't given the undoubted consent needed to take things to the next level, which I'm ok with.

Our bond has been damaged from the actions of the past, but I can feel that we are both yearning to fix things between us and give ourselves a chance to have the love that the Gods and Goddesses deemed captivating, for us.

They blessed me with Dylan for a reason and I will never fight what has been given to me.

Dylan is mine as I am his.

The thoughts come to an abrupt halt as I feel his hand snake up to the side of my neck. Opening my eyes, I see Dylan's eyes widen as he startles in my arms.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now