Chapter 50 | PHASE THREE: Emotion

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Raiden has been on this hospital bed for three days. Unresponsive, a breathing tube down his throat and wires coming from everywhere they could.

With an IV in his arm that the nurses would hook to another machine that pumped antibiotics into his system every four hours like clockwork.

He has silver poisoning and a pretty bad infection from whatever bullshit was on the forest ground that had seeped into his wound.

Dr. Kyle and the nurses had my mate laying on his side because he couldn't put any weight on his wound in his lower back as it had a draining tube sticking out of it.

They have been switching his body from side to side every few hours so he wouldn't get bed sores.

Maddox said he still can't feel Onyx, which made complete sense to me because of Raiden's silver poisoning. That would have affected Onyx as well, it didn't spread enough to take him away from Raiden, but it did enough damage to make him a bit dormant until the doctors can get the poisoning and infection under control.

I tried to reassure him as much as I could, but it was no use. He was destroyed over the state of our mate and I didn't blame him for that one bit.

Even though this has been a tragic experience for both of us, I've never felt closer to my wolf. Usually we have this love-hate relationship, more hate than anything else, but ever since that night, I think we both have seen each other in a different light.

Maddox helped me so much when I needed it and when I was completely freaking out in the forest and when I didn't have strength to get Raiden to the hospital. He helped me, he was the emotional support I needed, he found our mate when I couldn't, he carried him when I couldn't and in return I've tried to be his strength.

If it wasn't for Maddox practically tearing down the veil and forcing me to check on our mate when I was too naive to what was happening, we may not have found my Raiden in time and that thought alone, scared the fuck out of me.

I'm eternally grateful for Maddox.

I no longer want a new wolf.


A few hours passed before it was time for Raiden's antibiotics again. Kyle and two nurses came in to start his medication and hook his IV to the machine needed as his antibiotics needed to be given slowly over the course of an hour.

After they were done starting Raiden's meds, they worked together to turn his body onto his left side for the next few hours.

In this position, I had a full view of my mate's God like sculpted face. Even in his state, he was still the most gorgeous creature I've ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on.

And once everyone was out of the room, I got up from my spot on the pull out bed that had become my bestfriend these last three days and made my way to my mate's side.

Sliding a chair over to be able to sit next to him, I took my place by his side and reached out to grab his hand that didn't have the IV attached.

Bringing his hand up to my lips, I kiss the back of it, savoring the feeling of bliss that crossed my lips as his skin pressed against them.

"Wake up baby." I whispered into his hand as I held onto him tighter. "I miss you, everyone does, I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you, even though we both know you would have been the one to protect me if I was there." A soft laugh escapes me. "I wish you were here with me, to talk to me and tell me about that scarf you love so much. To explain what the hell kneading means again and how much you love food."

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now