Chapter 63 | PHASE FOUR: Meeting & Triggering

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It'd taken two days before I could actually get my ass out of this bed. . . While my time with Raiden was fucking amazing, my ass was on fucking fire and the fact that he almost gave me a fucking heart attack when he was having his episode thing a few days ago, I was exhausted.

I knew I shouldn't have let the elephant trunk out of the cage and I definitely shouldn't have let it into my ass but I did. . . and oh fuck me, that shit felt good.

I was fully prepared to just lay in bed that whole day and nurse my throbbing ass, but you know, life and shit had other plans and apparently those plans involved my mate having a damn magical breakdown or some shit and threatening to leave me, so I had to put the pain in my ass on the back burner and run to Raiden.

I didn't expect to see him the way I did that day. Laid on the floor, body spasming and eyes rolled to the back of his head.

It scared me, no fuck that, it terrified me. Like a crippling type of fear and when I felt his pain becoming my own, his fear seeping into me and his tether withering away, I didn't know what else to do but scream and cry.

Usually I would have cared who saw me become so vulnerable but in that moment, watching my mate fight through something and I had no idea how to help him, I just broke.

Now, two days later, I still haven't let his beautiful ass out of my sight because the moment that I did, I feared that whatever that was two days ago, would take my mate again and I would be all alone.

After about two hours of me being wrapped around Raiden like some kind of weirdo, Liam called, asking for Raiden and I to meet everyone in his office.

I didn't know the way, so I was thankful when Taj and Bennett were waiting at our door to guide us there.

When we showed up to the conference building, we walked inside and I most definitely voiced my amazement at the interior.

It was really cool to see how much he's built all by himself and I could totally see myself living in the Shadow pack for years to come.

However, knowing that I would have to go back to Wolf's Claw at some point was nerve wracking.

I couldn't face Dean, Jake or my Mom after hearing what they've done. I wanted them dead, but another part of me wanted them to be imprisoned for life, just so that they didn't have to die.

Everything has been so confusing because they're the only parents I knew. The ones who taught me everything I know and have been there for me, so it's hard to just forget all of that.

But everytime I saw how much Liam loved Bennett and how much Bennett has endured, it's become easier  — a hell of alot easier to think about killing Dean and Jake, but truth be told, I'm not completely there yet.


As soon as we walked into the conference room in the, Taj and Bennett took their seats at the head of the table, next to Liam, Cassius, Allio, his Beta and Miles, Allio's mate and the pack doctor here while I took a seat next to Gabe and Raiden sat next to me.

Looking around the room, I see Raiden's family sitting around the table, along with Gabe, Avery, Hunter, Alpha Frederick, Alpha Rhogon and four other men that I totally recognized to be his mates.

Rhogon's presence surprised me the most, I didn't really like the guy because of the rumors about the way that he runs his pack and the fact that he asked me to come to a dinner to discuss the laws in place, knowing that I don't like him, but I was curious as to why he was here and why he brought his mates.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now