Chapter 58 | PHASE FOUR: Reunited

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It's been seven days since I've arrived in the Shadow pack. Twelve days since I've seen my mate and fuck me, I miss him like crazy.

I've been cursing myself for not just marking Raiden and allowing him to mark me before I left because then I could have at least felt him this entire time.

I need to feel him, our bond has grown so fucking much since meeting each other and because of that, I feel an unhealthy attachment to him, so being away from him for this long was really starting to get to me.

Watching how sweet Taj was with my brother only made my heart ache even more for my own mate.

Being here, I've noticed a lot about Bennett's issues. I know he's said that he lost his sight and hearing on the left side of his face, but I didn't really know exactly what that meant for him.

I guess I'm a bigger idiot than I thought because it should have been obvious that he would have had a lot issues, but I didn't put two and two together until I actually saw the struggles that he overcame on a daily basis.

Bennett has to tilt his head a lot to hear what people are saying or to see what's in front of him. Sometimes he bumps into things if he forgets to adjust himself and he spooks easily if someone approaches his left side too fast. . . Taj never left his side through it all though.

The issues with his sight and hearing aren't the only things either because his right leg, even though it's healed as much as it could be, the issues are still there.

Bennett barely puts weight on it and has a pretty bad limp. I wondered why Taj kept such a tight hold on him that day when I got the fucking shock of my life, finding out that Bennett was alive and the fact that Liam is my actual Dad, but now I see why.

My brother's injuries have taken a huge toll on him and if it wasn't for Taj's support, he might not be able to get around as much as I've witnessed since being here.

Watching Bennett having to relay on Taj to help him with everything, even though he didn't want to was entertaining to say the least.

Everytime he got that stubborn attitude that dangerously matched mine — the one that I remember the most, Taj would lay the law down and force his help on Bennett.

My brother would fight him about it, but eventually would give in with just one look from the feline, much like Taj did when Bennett looked at him for threatening me.

They have a bond that others dreamed of. Their love for each other was so obvious that most of the time they don't even have to say anything and the other just gets it.

They share this look that says the other is the only thing they need in the world and it warms my heart to know that my brother has someone who loves him so unconditionally despite the pain of what he's been through.

Yesterday, I tried to get to know Taj a little better and asked him how he and Bennett first met.

Taj told me that when he first found Bennett on the bank of the silver river seven years ago, that he took one look at him and knew he had found the love of his life. That he knew he would do anything for my brother, no matter what it was.

Bennett said those three days they spent together while he healed the best he could were the best days of their lives because they had only each other.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang