Chapter 15 | PHASE ONE: Time pt. 2

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It was the only thing that I could watch go by as my eyes were glued to the clock on the wall outside of my cell — that incessant tick mocking me with every inch of it's movements.

The days and nights seemed to blur together and if it wasn't for the wolves here turning on the light during the day and turning them off during the night, I wouldn't have the slightest clue of how many days that Reland and I had been down here.

It's had to have been at least 14 days counting how many times the lights have come on — not to mention the number of times the wolves here have knocked us out just to inject us with their poison to keep our beasts at bay because according to them, if we had our felines, we would pose a threat.

The pain was one thing but the mental aspect of the entire situation I'd found myself in was becoming extremely difficult to handle.

Lurching sideways, I bend over the edge of the metal framed bed and hurl — throwing up everything that had cursed my insides.

Reland may have been able to eat the hot soup that the wolves served us every single day here but I was not. I've been on a raw diet since being captured by Dax Kyles and held against my will at N.E.U.R.O. Labs.

That's the last five years of my life that I've only been able to eat raw foods, so the soup that the wolves served me never stayed down.

I tried to intake it to give my body some form of nutrients, to give my body some form of strength but it always ended up coming back up and to be honest, I was doing more harm than good by eating that shit.

Coughing as the last remaining chunks leave my body, I clutch my stomach and lay back down on the bed, trying my best to fight through the pain.

Listening to Reland's roars of despair wasn't making things any easier either. My friend didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve to be held captive, to be subjected to this kind of abuse all because of my poor judgement in meeting the man that the Gods and Goddesses had the nerve to bind my soul to.

I would never forgive Dylan for this.

Initially I thought he was just powerful force of nature that would bring a tremendous amount of joy to my being, but now I'm seeing him for what he truly is.

Dylan is no Alpha — he's abusive, sketchy, young minded, weak willed and easily influenced.

That little shit used our bond against me, set me up and hasn't even tried to apologize for his behavior. Not once in the 14 days that I've been held captive, has he stepped foot down here to check on me or Reland, to apologize for his bullshit, to ask for forgiveness.

Nope, he's stayed away — probably comfortable in his pack house while I'm down here, feeling like death is knocking at the door of my soul.

Dylan is lucky that I've been through worse than what these wolves here could to to me, so this wouldn't break me.

I wouldn't allow it to — just like I hadn't in the past.

During my solitary journey, I stumbled into the wrong territory just like I had here, except the only difference with this time and the previous was the fact that the humans took me then. Capturing me and locking me away in their sickening Labs that they held other mythical creatures for their sadistic experiments.

They injected me with Purrsberry, an essence known to affect felines much like Wolfsbane affects wolves.

They took Onyx away from me and continued to keep him at bay but never injected enough to kill him as they needed him to be dormant within me to continue their experiments.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now