Part 5: A familiar face

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It was the night and you made progress to your destination. All though, you were further than you intentionally thought and even with Nemean, it still travels a way. You had a fire going as you leaned against a tree and Nemean was laying on the ground sleeping. You looked up to the sky and spotted the North star. The star that helps with navigation since it is alway true north. But you noticed that it actually seemed slightly off which made you confused since that was basically impossible. However you realize that could be possible if the earth axis has shifts, which is completely possible since it's been over 3000 years.

"Well would you look at that, not even the axis stayed the same since the petrifaction."


You were walking with Nemean having the supplies on his sides.

"Alright, how about we take a break and eat something,"

You reach into your bag and pull out raw pieces of meat. You gave it to Nemean as you munch on some grapes you found.

"Oh what I would do for a cola or maybe some Katsudon right now. Or maybe some Ramen."

You look at Nemean who was licking the bone clean. You playfully smile as you eat your grapes. You then hear rustling from the bushes. This gets Nemean on the edge as you put your open hand in front of him. You put your grapes away and pull out your spear.

From the bushes you see a girl with blond hair and blue eyes holding a knife. She was wearing a blue dress with some odd white shoes and her blond hair was tied up. She also had a shield on her back as she pointed her knife to you.

"Who are you," she asked in a stern way. "Better answer truthfully or else I'll slit your throat."

Her threat made Nemean start to growl.

"Easy boy," you said softly. You kept your open hand in front of him so he knew to stay back. You look at the girl as you hold the spear to your hip. "Look, I don't want any trouble."

"Are you one of the long haired man's underlings?"

"Long haired man," you said confusedly. "Who are you referring to exactly? I knew like five different guys that fit that description."

"Answer me," the girl said impatiently.

Her tone made Nemean get more hastale

"At ease boy," you said. "Look I haven't meant some long-haired man. I've been completely alone since I've been free from petrifaction." You sigh as glare at the girl. "I mean you no harm, so mind dropping the knife."

"No harm? What a load of crap," the girl stated. "You literally have weapons and a freakin beast with you."

"Look I know how this looks but I've been alone for over a year and I just had to go through a fucking storm with no shelter trying to find more humans," you stated as you were starting to get annoyed. "And I really didn't want my first impression to be a cold-blooded lioness or something like that. So I'll ask you one more time. Can you put down your weapon?"

It was clear the girl wasn't going to budge and you honestly were getting tired with this quietly. You usually had patience but after over a year of isolation, over 3000 years of petrifaction and the journey you just took to get here, you were at your limit. You sigh as you about to snap your fingers but you were stopped by a sudden voice.


Both you and the girl, who you figured was Kohauku, turned to look at what was behind her.

"Why'd you run off, we have stuff to do and Suika found our culprit in who attacked Gen-"

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