What if: Y/n got petrified

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*A/n: So I got a thought, what if, y/n stayed on the boat when it was petrified. This is gonna be short but I just thought this would be a cool what if situation. Like how would Senku react*

You guys finally arrived at Treasure Island and used the eyes of science to sneak up on them and use the storm as cover. The rain was going to let up soon so you guys had to hide the ship before that. To get the crew willing to help with that Ryusui stated that he had a prize for whoever does a good job. Naturally this worked on the lazy butts such as Yo and Ginro.

The storm let up and you guys managed to get to the cliff side just in time. So Ryusiu gave them a ten thousand Drago bonus and they got excited for that.

Senku chuckled. "Hey, save the celebration for later. We'll be spotted if we stick around too long. So let's hurry this thing up."

Yo was excited since you guys were gonna find some treasure and Magma was hyped to go fight some people. So they went to run off the boat and onto the island. To stop the two idiots, you and Nikki smacked them and they fell to the ground. With the two idiots taken care of, the rest of you got ready to send a scouting team.

Ryusui slams a barrel down to the ground suddenly, catching your attention. He then sits on the barrel as you all look at him.

"A full scale invasion will lead to an all out war," Ryusui stated. "Am I wrong? So we'll go with the smallest team possible."

"Well naturally that would be the smartest thing to do," you agreed. "After all, our goal is to get the treasure box and if we can't find it we'll have to ask the natives. And with a big ass group, they'll feel threatened."

"Exactly, which is why I already made the perfect scouting team," Ryusui said. He snapped his fingers as he got a big grin on his face. "The four making the scouting team are Senku. Soyuz, the only native on the crew. Kohaku as eyes and defense. And Gen for negotiation with the islanders."

With the team in place, they got ready to head off to the island on the speed boat.

You and Senku share a hug. "Be careful Senku. I don't want to hear you got taken hostage or something by the people on the island."

Senku chuckled lightly. " Don't worry. I'll be okay." He lets go of you and caresses your cheek. "We're gonna find the treasure box and resurrect humanity. I'm ten billion percent sure."

You softly chuckle as you place your hand on top of his. "I don't doubt that."

Senku gave you a soft smile as you two leaned in for a kiss. It was short but passionate.

"You better come back to me," you said.

"I always do," Senku said.

"I love you."

"I love you square."

The scouting team sets off in the speed boat to the island while the rest of you stay on the ship. You watched them sail to the island but you felt an odd feeling in your stomach.


You turn your head to the gray speakers you guys are using for intercoms. This way the people in the control room can talk to the upper deck.

"Ukyo? What is it?"

"Can you come here for a second?"

You were confused but figured by the tone in his voice and the fact that he's been glued to the radar, it was something serious. You go to him and he moves to let you see the screen. You saw the radar was spiking downward implying that something is under you guys in the water.

"What hell," you mumbled confusedly.

"That's what I said," Ukyo said, equally confused but worried.

"What do you think is down there," you asked. "An animal?"

"I don't know," Ukyo admitted.

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