Part 57: The beginning of the second Stone Wars

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At dawn, the chosen warriors put on disguises and weapons. The others were stationed at the model lab nearby.

"All the bad guys will be here soon. How long will it take them to grind into dust," Suika asked, clearly scared.

Senku chuckled. "We would ten billion percent get creamed if we tried to fight them head on."

This made Suika more nervous.

"Let's be clear, the only condition that will decide if we win, is if the petrifaction device gets thrown our way," Senku stated.

"Don't worry Suika, the real action is gonna take place in the air," Ukyo said.

"Yeah, it will go off without a hitch," Chrome reassured. "Our drone is gonna intercept the weapon and get the rope all tangled up. Then the power team hiding in the mobile lab will tug on that wire like their lives depend on it 'cause they can a do."

"We got this," Taiju exclaimed.

"Last but not least, we beat back the enemy," Ryusui said. "Yo, I hope you brought your A game."

"Duh. I always do," Yo stated.

"Good, you're gonna need it. 'Cause you'll have to counter Moz," Ryusui said. "Be careful. He's the biggest threat out there. As soon as we snag the weapon even he fears, we'll go from being his allies to his mortal enemies."

"This is a three way war between three powerful forces," you said. "The petrification kingdom, set to kill us. The Kingdom of Science, here to claim the petrifaction deceive. And The All Mighty Moz, who wants it all."

"So it begins," Senku said. "The three-way battle that will decide it all."

You guys put on your hoods and mask as the sound of marching grew closer to you guys. You guys see Moz, Kirismae and the rest of the petrification kingdom, armed and ready to fight. The sun rose and it was time to start the Second Stone War.

A man standing next to Kirisame and Moz was staring at you guys, mainly Kinro with such hatred. He's a very muscular man with a large build. He has a solid, square jawline and a large mouth with a deep labiomental fold. He has small, dark pupils with no shine. The tail end of his eyebrows have a large swirl curling up and inward, similar to the swirl designs on the other Petrification Kingdom warriors. He has a wide, flat nose that is slightly upturned with a low bridge. He also seems to have no hair anywhere on his body. According to Amaryllis, this was Oarashi and aside from Moz and Kirisame, he was the strongest warrior they had.

He wears a pair of simple pants, wrapped tight around his ankles and held up by a rope belt adorned with the symbol of Treasure Island. The symbol is an upright isosceles triangle with a divot taken out of the bottom and a starburst shape set behind it. Beneath the symbol, there is a large curling loincloth that reaches to his knees. Oarashi forgoes a shirt. He also wears a headdress shaped like a jackal's head that covers his upper shoulders, scalp and nose.

"Miracle power REVENGE!"

He raises his weapon and charges at you guys. This caught you guys off guard but it made sense they do this since overwhelming you guys will give them an advantage. But Kinro wasn't shaken and stepped up with his golden spear.

He charges at Oarashi and fights him with his golden spear. This turns the tables and now the petrification kingdom soldiers are overwhelmed. Ukyo fires an arrow at them and Senku uses some mirrors to reflect light at them to blind them.

You hear a thud and turn your head to see Moz standing there with a smirk. He gestures for you to come at him. You spin your spear and charge at him. You swing at him and he blocks it with his weapon.

"A little preview before the main event," Moz said softly.

You chuckled. "I see you like foreplay."

You jumped away from him and charged back at him. You kick him in the stomach and he falls back. His fall was a bit over dramatic since you didn't even put too much force behind it. But regardless, it made the others worry since it made it seem that you guys were too strong for them.

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