Part 39: New life with currency and wedding?

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You guys took Ryusui back to where you guys are constructing the boat and he was very impressed by the blueprint of it. Ryusui stated he couldn't wait until it was done so he could have it.

"What do you think goldilocks, can you take us across the world," Senku asked.

"I hate to be the one to say it but this is not gonna happen-aye," Gen stated, "Our captain is used to fancy yachts and modern navigation tec. How can he apply his vast experience to this primitive vessel."

"Before I answer that question, we should protect the ship and take shelter," Ryusui stated.

Everyone was confused by what Ryusui was saying. He stated that a sailor's instincts were always right and he pointed out that the temperature raised quickled and was now at 14 degrees. Senku checked and saw that Ryusui was in fact correct. Ryusui pointed out that humanity is up 90% and winds were coming from the southwest along with some clouds. This meant there was some rough weather heading your guys way, a storm.

You all took shelter and protected the boat along with the supplies. And sure enough, a storm came which showed that Ryusui was right. This made it clear that Ryusui's skills were legit and he was the real deal. This storm also gave Ryusui a chance to actually look at the supplies and get an idea of what you guys were gonna use to make/power the ship. And it also gave Ryusui a chance to get a read on Senku and saw that they weren't so different.

They also had the same ideas for the ship and what they could use to fuel it. Since coal was too heavy, another form of fuel had to be used. Which meant that while the ship was being built, you guys had to go find some oil to fuel the sailboat.

Gen of course thought the idea of drilling for oil was absolutely insane but of course Senku had a plan. You guys were gonna go to Shizuoka which was home to the Sagara Oil fields. This was gonna be the place where you guys would get your high quality oil.

So after the storm went away, an expedition team went out to look for the oil. The team consisted of Kohaku who had the best eyesight, Ukyo who had the best hearing and the adventure king, Chrome. Chrome admitted he wanted to take you but he knew it wouldn't be smart to overwork you since you just recovered. You reassured him it was okay and that you would simply go on the next adventure with him. And with that, the expedition team set off to find the oil.

However, Ryusui's greediness came out. He stated that after getting the oil, getting you guys to the other side of the world will be no problem for him. However he did demand something since he was putting his life on the line to sail you guys across the world. He demanded all the rights to the oil field that you guys discover. It was a bit unfair but since Ryusui was the only one who had the skills you guys needed, there wasn't much choice in the matter. Which meant the second the oil field was discovered, Ryusui was gonna hog it all to himself. This means that if you guys want to use the oil, then you guys are gonna have to buy it off him.

Ryusui had a currency created that he named Drago which of course he held the majority for himself. This meant that in the span of the short time he's been revived, he was now the richest one out of all of you and even had his own place up on the hill. He also had people serve him some nice wine along with food. And with Drago now placed, you guys need a crap ton to buy the oil off of Ryusui since 100 Drago will get you guys one milliliter of oil. So you guys used science to make things that will be worth buying such as art, ramen and cotton candy.

You sat next to Senku on a seat as he was sketching out something. Minami was standing close behind you guys as she looked at what Ryusui has done in the short while he's been here.

"I hate to say I told you so but I believe I told you so," Minami said. "Look at the guy, you sure we're gonna be okay?"

Senku chuckled. "I'm not sweating it. At least not yet. Currency is just as much a fruit of science as anything. It's a way to measure the value of hard work." Senku got an evil grin on his face. "And since he went through the trouble of making it, we might as well exploit this very system for all it's worth, right? We gotta strike while the iron's hot."

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