Part 43: Oil sailing

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Using the newly acquired cameras, Senku and Rysui took to the sky to take pictures of the landscape. It was definitely moving the search for the oil since with the camera you guys were able to cover more ground. And with winter coming up, it was definitely helping to move the process along. Sure enough, from the developed pictures, Gen noticed a suspicious blur just pasted Mount Fuji so it was up to the ground search team to check out what it was.

"This sucks so bad," Chrome said as he panted. "Where's the oil?"

"Have no clue but we got a lot of ground to cover so we better hustle," you said.


You and Ukyo stopped and turned around to see Chrome rub his head as he held an odd spiky ball.

"You okay Chrome," you asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. This just fell on my head," Chrome said.

You three look at what Chrome was holding to see the odd spiky ball had something inside.


"Well we are in fall and it's the season of harvest," you said.

"And with the pictures, the photos are gonna help find the supplies we need for winter," Ukyo said.

You look up and see that there are more of the chestnuts up in the tree. However the closest tree branch was just out of reach.

"Hey Ukyo, give me a boost," you asked as you took off the basket on your basket.

Ukyo and Chrome looked up to see what you were trying to do.

"Hold on y/n, you sure? What about your leg," Chrome asked.

"I'll be fine, don't worry," you reassured.

Ukyo was a bit nervous as locked his fingers together. He squat down a bit as you back up. You ran up and stepped onto the little platform he made with his hands. He tossed you up, letting you grab the branch and pull yourself up.

"Holy crap!? That was cool," Chrome exclaimed.


You guys return to the Kingdom of Science. Chrome and Ukyo sat on the ground just tired as you leaned over your basket equally tired. Even though you reassure you were okay, you felt your leg start to give out. You were about to fall to the side but felt some arms catch you.

"You really don't understand what it means to take it easy, do you," Senku asked.

You chuckled softly. "Well you know how much of a team player I am."

You gave him a playful smile as Senku rolled his eyes. Francois arrives in the steam Gorilla with the newly harvested wheat.

"Ha-Ha! Humanity finally has our essential crop," Ryusui exclaimed. "Time to open a restaurant." He snapped his fingers. "A three star Francois joint."

Gen was confused by this but Francois got started to work on the menu. Senku wasn't against the idea since a lot of people are exhausted from the amount of work you guys are doing. And since inspiration isn't filling, they need their gasoline which is food. So they need something that is full of protein and easy to make. But Ryusui being who he is also wants the food to be delicious and luxurious. He started to fantize of food such as Truffles, Caviar and even Foie gras. But Gen told Ryusui to be realistic since you guys don't have the ingredients to make that stuff. However Ryusui stated that Francois has not once denied an order so he is confident that they can do it.

So the food had to be luxurious, high in protein and easy to preserve. It sounded like a difficult order but Francois took the request with zero hesitation or complaint. Francois says that they will be serving boar rillettes with black truffle. Gen was a bit worried since he just says you guys don't have the ingredients. But Francois states that they figured this would happen so they took the liberty of summoning an expert. Someone who knows all about the flora and fauna near the village. You guys were a bit confused but a familiar watermelon hopped out of the steam gorilla.

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