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Hey there! Meca-Senku here to give you a quick recap of the first part of the story. Now this story follows you in the stone world alongside human me and other people. You were the first person to be revived from the petrifaction and had to survive in the stone world by yourself. Along the way you made a lion friend you named Nemean after nurturing him back to health. You then set to look for other survivors when you saw a smoke signal.

After a long journey and an intense standoff with Kohaku, you reunited with human me and became a member of the Kingdom of Science. The first task of the Kingdom of Science was to make the medicine for the priestess, Ruri but it wasn't easy. One of the ingredients you guys had to get was sulfuric acid and you nor human me wanted the other to go. This ended up in a confession and human me going alongside Chrome and Ginro.

After that, the next obstacle was Grand Bout where the Kingdom of Science had to take down Magma. Kinro was almost successful but Magma played dirty so it was left to Chrome. And after using some science and mental games from Gen, Chrome won. You however got stabbed during your first match and with Chrome knocked out from the fight with Magma, which made human me end up winning. Human me married Ruri and became the village chief but the marriage didn't last more than five minutes since you already had human me's heart.

But thanks to the Kingdom of Science winning the Grand Bout, you guys were about to give Ruri the medicine and heal her from her illness which turned out to be pneumonia. This got the village behind science and Ruri told you and human me about the hundred tales. Stories that Byakuya and the other founders of the village made to teach the future generations about modern things like gorillas and Mometraro. She also took you two to the village graveyard but you guys didn't have time to rest.

Tsukasa's right hand man, Hyoga, and who you have a mysterious past with. He attacked the village and killed Nemean and nearly killed Kiniro. He fled when you guys tricked him into thinking you guys had guns. But he played dirty when he attacked again after a few days. Homura, who was Hyoga's partner, set the village on fire but thankfully no one was killed.

But that attack, even though it was devastating, helped you guys make some new equipment and Gen officially became a member of the Kingdom of Science. Human me also got the idea to make cell phones since that will be the thing that gives you guys the edge to win the war. And Chrome being the scientist he made a waterwheel with the help of Old Man Kaseki. That water wheel helps move you guys to the age of energy. With this new found energy, you guys made light bulbs. This led to human me making a nice Christmas tree and even proposed to you. However you guys did run into an issue with the vacuum tubes for the cellphones.

But you guys managed to find Tungsten by pure chance which led you guys to go cave hunting to get more tungsten along with other materials. There were a few hiccups along the way but you guys made it out with a tone of treasure. But you had a surprise for human me as a form of payback for Christmas. You gave human me a whole observatory for Stone day or as you know it, his birthday.

After some hard work, cell phones were acquired but the completion of cell phones led to another discovery. Turns Byakuya and the other founders left a little time capsule at the graveyard which turned out to be a record. So after quickly making a record player, you guys played the message. It was Byakuya giving a message to both you and human me along with Lillian Weinberg singing her song 'One Small Step'. It was a pretty emotional moment.

But that's where we left off and now here we are to continue the story. Who knows what cool adventures are gonna happen? Or how the war will end? And we're gonna meet some new people who will open some doors? Will some secrets be revealed and old relationships restored? Let's find out.

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