Part 59: Flicker of hope turned to doom

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Moz charged at you but he just blinked and you were gone. He gets confused until he feels something is about to hit his head. He quickly turns around and blocks your spear. He jumps back, making distance.

"Sorry, but I seem to have given you the impression that you can beat me," you said.

Moz chuckled as he glared at you. "I see, you were holding back at the cave. What? You didn't want your friends to see the kind of monster you are?"

"Only a fool would unleash their full strength without getting a reading on the enemy first," you stated. "And thanks to that attack you did on Hyoga, now I know exactly who I'm dealing with."

"Oh yeah? Then let's dance," Moz said. "Shame tho, I'd rather not harm that pretty face of yours."

"Are you gonna continue barking all day little doggy, or are you gonna bite," you spat.

"Ladies first, princess," Moz said, motioning you to come at him.

"Don't leave me out of the fun."

You and Moz notice Hyoga standing up.

"Huh. You're tougher than I thought. I'll admit, I'm kind of impressed," Moz said.

"It'll take more than that to keep me down," Hyoga stated.

"You sure took your sweet ass time to recover from that," you said.

"Well it was a strong hit," Hyoga said. "But enough talk."

You and Hyoga ready your spears at Moz looking at you guys, assumed. He chuckled as he singled for you and Hyoga to come attack him.

Hyoga takes the first move and strikes an attack. Moz blocked his attack and pushed him back. As Hyoga stumbled back, you charged an attack and Moz blocked you. You and Hyoga take turns taking swings as Moz blocks your attacks. Even though it was 2 v 1, it wasn't easy for you and Hyoga.

Sure you guys were able to attack Moz with some kind of teamwork but it didn't change that you guys were out matched and not really in sync. Without his Kudayari spear, Hyoga could barely hold his own. As for you, sure you were faster but Moz still had you beat in terms of strength. The only faith you guys had was Moz gets tired or somehow you guys manage to get the upper hand.

You and Hyoga painted, as Moz was barely breaking a sweat.

"Hmm. You two have certainly proven your strengths. However the way you handle your spear absolutely reeks of effort, Hyoga," Moz commented. "I can smell the sweat of all the work of every practice. While little Miss Princess here might be fast but doesn't even have a fraction of the muscle needed to stop me."

You and Moz glared at Moz as he still had his cocky grin.

"Such a shame. You guys really were just doomed to lose," Moz stated. "Takes a genius to beat another genius." He takes a fighting stance, ready to charge at you guys. "Your fake fangs are as sharp as they are thanks to years of training. I've possessed God-like strength from the moment I was born."

"You know, there usually isn't much talking in a fight," you pointed out.

Moz charges at you guys and swings his weapon at Hyoga's head. But he doges and you took his hand as you guys fell off the boat and into the water. Moz jumps after you guys as you guys try to swim back to the mainland.

Of course, Moz wasn't gonna make it easy and tried to strike you guys as you guys tried to swim away. But Hyoga blocked his attack as you pulled him along the water as you swam away. Hyoga kicked Moz's weapon away, giving you guys more of an opening. He kicked to help you guys go after and you guys made it back to the mainland.

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