Bonus: Punches and ramen

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*A/n: This chapter takes place before the main plot. This is just a cute sericero I thought about and really wanted to write*

Senku was sitting back on his desk on his phone. Class was about to start in a few minutes and he had nothing better to do. He was reading an article about The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency or JAXA. It was about how they're preparing for the next launch. It wasn't anything special but it was better than nothing.

"Guys be honest, out of all the girl's in the class, who would you go out with?"

"Huh?" Senku slightly turned his head as he saw three of his male classmates sitting around a desk. He was confused as to the conversation but didn't have the energy to act like he cares. He rolled his eyes as he did his best to ignore them as he continued to look at his phone.

"I think I would go with Najemi. She's very outgoing and so cute."

"I'd go with Hatsumi. I love me a tomboy."

"True, tomboys are good but you can't go wrong with the sweet girls. Oh, like Yuzuriha, she's so sweet and so pretty."

"Yeah, but what about the badass girls? Like y/n, have you guys seen the cool tricks she can do? And she's hot and nice on top of being cool. Man, I would love to have a girl like that."

Senku's head perked a bit at the mention of the last names. Even though he could care less about the other girls, he did want to hear what they would say about his friends.

"Dude, there's no way anyone in our class could have a chance with girls like that?"

"What you mean Forger?"

"Those kinds of girls go for guys that are like them. Men that can actually hold their own in a fight. That they can actually throw a punch. And none of us here can do that. Hell, the only guy I think has a shot with her is honestly Laxus from class E."

Senku's eyes narrowed a bit by these accusations. He was honestly about to say something but the teacher walked in and class started.

After class was over, Senku was on his way to the science lab but he couldn't get what he heard out of his head.

There's no way you could go with a guy like Laxus. He was all muscle but no brains and was a bit misogynistic. Plus who even made the rule that physically strong people could only date fellow physically strong people. That was just dumb. After all, opposites attract. So who's to say physically strong people can't get on the more scrawny side. Plus in all forms of media you see the strong jock fall for the quiet nerd. So why do they say something as stupid as that?

But the more important part to Senku, was why was he letting this bother him. He snapped out of his thoughts and noticed he was in the field near the gym. He groaned as he was lost in thought he didn't notice where he was going. He turned around as he was going to walk away.

"Nice job y/n."

Senku turns his head to see Taiju clapping as you hold a bamboo katana. You were in the gym uniform with the sweater wrapped around your waist. You had a black tank top with sweat dripping from your head. Senku simply looked at you as he felt his cheeks warm up slightly.

"Thanks Taiju. I'm just glad I was finally able to perfect that routine. It was a pain in the ass to learn," you said a bit out of breath.

You wipe the sweat off your forehead as Taiju hands you some water. You thanked him and took a drink. He gave you a big smile and looked behind you.

"Hmm? Oh. Hey, Senku!"

You turned your head to see Senku walking up to you guys.

"Hey scientist. What brings you here," you asked.

"Nothing much," Senku shrugged. "What are you two doing?"

"Y/n is showing me some cool sword tricks," Taiju said.

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