Part 38: Finding our new Captain

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This little duo definitely helped you get through physical therapy and after a little over a month almost two, you were back on your feet walking around. You weren't allowed to do too much since your legs were still weak but at least you could walk around with no help. Everyone congratulated you on your recovery and was so glad to see you were now healed. With your recovery, the kingdom of science can do their work without any distractions.

While the main ship that would take you guys across the sea was being built, you guys still had to find a captain. After all, this whole trip across the sea would be ten billion percent impossible without one. So you guys made a smaller boat to go looking for with the help of Tsukasa reporter friend, Minami Hokutozai.

Wanting to do something, you asked Senku to join the team that was going to get the captain. He was a bit hesitant since your leg but after what you've been through, you deserved to go out for a bit. Plus he knew how much you enjoyed swimming and it's not like you were going alone since he and a few others were going as well.

As the team was getting ready, you looked in the water as the sun made it sparkle a bit and the waves were crashing against the shore.

"You gonna come or what?"

You turned around to see Senku behind you.

"Of course." You punched your hand. "Let's go find our captain."

Senku chuckled. "Let's go then."

Since you were still weak in your legs, Senku helped you up on the boat. He held you close to him to make sure you wouldn't fall into the water. On the boat was Minami, Nikki, Kohaku, Magma and Tajiu was rowing. Nikki was a bit skeptical since you guys were making a sail boat which means it will be hard to find someone who knows how to actually sail a retroship like that. Unless they did some training on it or they did it as a hobby but other than that the chances were slim. However, being the amazing reporter she was, Minami did have some people in mind that you guys could revive.

You guys make it to the island where Minami says the possible captain candidates were. You guys get off the boat and start to walk around trying to find a captain. On the way Minami tells you guys where you guys were used to hold Nanami Academy. It was a nautical school that included sailing as part of its curriculum. So Minami said that reviving one of the teachers would be the best option since they should know how to at least steer a sailboat.

After walking around, you guys finally made it to where all the statues of Nanami Academy were. They were buried underground so Senku had the Gorilla Team mine them out. Taiju of course was ready to help while Magma, Niki and Kohaku weren't really fond of the name but still did as they were told. As they mined them out, you and Senku laid out the statues as Minami was trying to see who was who. After that it was all down, you guys brought all the statues back to the beach.

Kohaku asked if you guys were gonna revive all of the statues but Senku stated that you guys couldn't since there was a shortage of revival fluid. So you guys could only revive one person. Minami suggested you guys should revive a silver fox who knows his way around a boat as she was examining the statutes. She then froze when she recognized one of them.

"There he is, Ryusui," Minami said, nervous.

You guys gathered behind her as she mentioned that name back on the boat.

"Not him," Minami exclaimed as she blocked the statue. "I promise, you don't want this guy."

"Hey easy there, don't freak out," you said. "Just tell us who he is. Judging by the fact you know him and thought about him when we said we need a captain, he has to be talented, right?"

Minami put her arms down but was still visibly nervous and sweating. It was clear she didn't want you guys to revive this guy. But why?

"Nanami Academy was owned by the king of maritime trade, the Nanami Conglomerate. They had 200 trillion yen in assets," Minami stated. "And he's the hopelessly self-indulgent son of the Nanami family. Ryusui Nanami. He'd apparently been spending his hundreds of millions of yen in allowance to collect model ships and bottle ships since he was a kid."

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