Part 49: Distraction by any means

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"Listen, I know the secret of the petrifaction beam," Amaryllis admitted.

Her confession catches all of your attention.

"I thought if I could be appealing and infiltrate the master's innerplace, I could defeat him," Amaryllis said. "In order to save everyone, I made up my mind. I'd become the most beautiful girl on the island. I'm begging you, will you help us?" She reaches a hand out to you guys. "Please fight by my side."


It was night fall and you guys were in Amaryllis' hut. She tells you guys that 5 years previously she attempted to leave the island with her friends, but they were caught by guards Moz and Kirisame, who petrified and threw them into the ocean. Amaryllis avoided the weapons light by inches and ripping a cunch of her hair that was petrified. Since then she's been plotting all these years to marry the Master and steal the weapon.

"Anyone else getting traumatic flashbacks or is that just me,' Gen said, a bit nervous. "I mean do we think that light is you know what?"

"Uh huh, the one from thousands of years ago. We'd never forget that," Senku said. "Must be like the event that started it all. Just on a smaller scale."

"They claim its sorcery passed down from the master's bloodline," Amaryllis stated. "I've seen it with my own eyes. The master wasn't there. It happened when he wasn't even nearby."

"So he's goons have some kind of weapon. One they throw up in the air, is that right," Senkua asked.

Amaryllis nodded her head to confirm what Senku said. "If the master can petrify people without assistance we'd be powerless. Which is why everyone just obeys. But if it's done using a weapon. All I need to do is steal it." She then turns on her innocent act. "That's what I want to do. And I'd just be over the moon if you'd lend me a hand. So, I know we only just met today but it's just that you're so heroic and muscular. I can't help but depend on you. Forgive me."

Soyuz gets overwhelmed by the act as Gen just looks at him and is upset that he feels for it so easily. Senku simply chuckles as he holds you close to him.

"You can stop putting on your little show, you know," Senku siad.

"It's so sad that works on men," you sighed. "Which is why I'm forever thankful I didn't have to pull that act with you."

Senku chuckled as he kissed your cheek which made you smile. You snuggle to his chest as he holds you close to him. Amaryllis is upset that Senku is actually immune to her little act since she has yet to find a man that is immune to her irresistible charms. It was like you had him wrapped around your finger and there was no shot of shaking him off.

"Don't worry about it. Our goals aligned with yours," Senku admitted. "We're open to figuring out the mystery of the petrifaction ourselves. If the phenomenon is like something out of a fantasy story then it wasn't bound by any rules or laws and humanity would have no hope in overcoming it. But thanks to what you told us, a few things have become clear to me. The first thing we know is that there's a limited area of effect. Second it's thrown which means the user could be petrified too. And third, it can be stopped by cutting off affected parts."

"That all just means the petrifaction has rules to it and when there's rules, there's a way to overcome, bend and even break them," you said. "Not to mention based on the rules, this weapon is science and no one can beat the kingdom of science when it comes to that."

"You've got that right. Well ed-say y/n-chan," Gen said.

"Hey Amaryllis, you said the master's people are coming for you tomorrow, yeah," Kohaku asked.

Amaryllis nods her head. "Every year, they make the rounds of each village and choose beautiful girls over 18 to wed him. It doesn't matter if the woman is already married. There's no denying them. I made myself as cute as possible. I'm certain they'll choose me tomorrow."

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