Part 6: New mem- God Damn Old Timer

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Kohaku was busy training Ginro and Kinro for the Grand Bout while the rest of you were watching from afar.

"Okay so while Gen is busy smooth-talking ol' Tsukasa, the science team needs to start on our wonder drug," Senku stated.

"Hell yeah," Chrome exclaimed. "What's next on our science journey?"

"Another fundamental component," Senku said. "One as essential to civilization as iron. The first material in history to be synthesized using science."

"Oh I see," you said. "We're going to be making glass, am I right?"

"You are indeed," Senku stated.

"What's that," Chrome asked. "I mean, now that we have electricity, isn't the plan to start making the medicine?"

"Yeah it is," Senku stated. "But in order to do that, we need glass first. Those clay pots aren't gonna cut it for the kind of experiment we'll be doing."

"While clay pots can be useful in some cases, glass can stand up to just about any chemical," you stated. "Which is why it played a huge part with chemistry in the first place."

"Couldn't have said it better myself," Senku said. "Plus glass is ten billion percent easy to process! It can be fragile or durable as hell."

"It's also see-through which means you can observe the reaction inside," you added.

"Seriously? That's bad," Chrome stated.

"To top it off, once glass is acquired, we might finally get the chance to yank off that melon," Senkus stated as you all looked at Suika. "Take a look at Great Detective Suika, and finally see that mysterious mug."

Suika started to get nervous and before she could protest, Senku yoinks the melon-helmet off Suika's head. This shocked Chrome as Kohaku noticed and rushed over to you guys.

"Suika doesn't want anybody to see her face," Kohaku stated as she took the melon-helmet away from Senku

"I don't understand why not," you admitted as you turned Kohaku's attention to Suika.

She was adorable with the biggest, prettiest eyes. Kohaku strat to just adore Suika's cuteness as you wrap an arm around Senku's shoulders and lean against him. Chrome noticed this was was shocked but wasn't sure by what. How cute Suika was or how you are just casually leaning and touching Senku as he does nothing to stop you or to get you off him. Suika's face then goes from adorable to old woman which shocks both Kohaku and Suika. Suika admits that her eyes have something that is called 'the fuzzy sickness'. This meant that everything looked fuzzy to her so when she tries really hard to see, her face goes all weird. She then puts her melon-helmet back on and said that for some reason she can see better with it on.

Senku then explained that the reason behind that was called the 'pinhole effect'. Basically when you look at an object through a small hole, the light passing through narrows which brings the object into focus.

"So glass and the fuzzy sickness, are they connected somehow," Chrome asked.

"Dude, they're like ten billion percent connected," Senku exclaimed which scared Chrome a bit.

Senku approached Sukia and crouched down to her. "Here's the deal, Sukia." He puts his hands on his shoulders. "You're nearsighted as hell. It's not some kind of sickness. There's nothing wrong with you." Suika lightly gasped at Senku's words.

Senku then goes on to explain what glasses are. Back in your time, the 'fuzzy sickness' wasn't a bad thing and a pair of scientific eyes were made out of glass. These 'eyes' helped the person wearing them to see more clearly.

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