Part 50: Scars and beauty

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"Okay our mobile lab's got a camo cover. It was meant to hide it from animals. Suika's a pro at blending into nature. So there's a ten billion percent chance that she'll know how to use it," Senku stated.

"But um, do you think it's gonna work to hide it from people too," Soyuz asked.

"Nope, not at first. They'll still have to use force to bust themselves out," Senku said.

"We have a real chance. Especially if our team can work in coordination with each other," Kohaku said.

"Hmm, obviously Suika is super capable so I'm not worried about her," Gen said. "But her partner..."

"Her partner is going to be a headache to work with," you sighed.

"Maybe but he always comes through in a pinch," Kohaku said.

Regardless of how Ginro is, he was your only hope to help Suika get the lab to you guys. So all you guys could do was wait to see what happens. Ginro attempts to flee the ship from cowardice but when he sees Suika bravely creating a distraction he is guilted into helping tip the lab overboard and reunite with you guys. Thanks to Suika's camouflage skills. The lab looked like some kind of giant animal or at least that's the first glance. Not to mention they don't know any vehicles that can drive exist so they have no reason to suspect it as anything else but an animal. You guys boarded the lab and Suika and Ginro were so relieved to see you guys. But the happiness was short lived as the natives were surrounding you guys.

But with their misunderstanding, you guys use that to your advantage. Thankfully since you guys were in the south, there were Jasmine flowers. Using the flowers and the sea-shells Amaryllis dropped earlier, Senku was going to make some poop smell. All he had to do was pour Jasmine tea on any cooked meat you guys have. But in your guy's case, all Senku did was warm up some rotten clams wrapped in Jasmine petals. He also threw in some sulfur to make it more 'juicy'. To make it even more convincing, Gen even made some sound effects as you guys drove away. And it worked so you guys were able to get away and be able to continue with the mission at hand. You guys also made fake tracks to throw them off as a safety precaution.

Amaryllis knew a hiding spot called the sapphire cave which is only accessible from the sea. So you guys hid the lab there. The cave was secluded and the water made it look very blue. To help you guys out, Amaryllis said that only her village knew about this cave so you guys should be safe for a while. Amaryllis snuck out to get some fruits and you guys hide in it.

You groaned as the pain was getting too much to bear. Senku rummaged through the lab and found the needle and thread he needed. Due to your clothes being in the way, not to mention torn and bleeding, you had to take them off. Thankfully you had the stone version of a bra and underwear so you weren't naked but being the shy person he is, Soyuz turned his back to not look at you. Gen had Suika turn around when he saw that your wound was pretty bad.

"Okay, I got everything. Ready," Senku asked.

"Yeah," you said breathlessly.

Senku prepared the stuff as you dislodged the rock in your stomach. Thankfully it all came out together but you bite your tongue to not yell. To make it worse, Senku was going to have to remove the old thread and then restitch the wound. You asked Kohaku to hold you so you won't thrash or risk hitting Senku. She agrees to do it and gives you a cloth to bite down on before holding you.

"Ready," Senku asked.

"Just do it," you muffled through the cloth.

Senku took a deep breath as he started. You tried not to scream but a few painful ones escaped you but were muffled by the cloth. Your body attempted to move to stop the pain but thankfully Kohaku kept a good grip on you, not too tightly to hurt you but tight enough so you wouldn't escape her. Gen held Suika close to him so she wouldn't see or not hear your muffled screams. The pain was too much that your eyes even began to water and a few tears streamed down your face. Senku hated seeing that he was causing you this much pain but he had no choice but to do it.

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